Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Soul Health XXIV: 12 Days of Christmas continue…Upcoming in the New Year

Upcoming Masses

Thursday (New Year’s Eve) – Registration required, by calling the office

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Mass of Obligation:

This Weekend

The Epiphany of the Lord: Saturday 4pm & Sunday 9:30am

Family Faith Formation & Sacramental Preparation

Begins in January -- a series of online weekly gatherings that will empower parents as the primary catechists of their children.

For: Parents with children preparing for First Communion and Confirmation, who will be given supplemental material for their children throughout the Family Faith Formation program.

Information sessions: Saturday, January 9th at 11am, Monday, January 11th at 7:30pm. To register for an information session, please email our Parish Catechetical Leader, Alexandra Johnson:

Adult Faith Education Programs Online, led by Father Robert

Registration required (The best things in faith life are Free!)

The Sacraments, featuring Bishop Barron, 7 Thursdays at 7pm starting January 14th

Praying the The Rosary followed by a short study of The Bible and the Fathers of the Church Tuesdays at 7:30 pm starting January 12th

Call the office for inquiries about Baptism.

May you experience every blessing of peace and joy of this Christmas Season,

Father Robert+

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas at St. Thomas More, and prayer request

“The Word was made Flesh, and dwelt among us”

My wishes for a Blessed Christmas for each of you and your loved ones. I have been very moved by the true Christmas spirit in action in the Christmas Basket effort, in the service of those we are especially meant to call ‘loved ones’ in Verdun.

I expect each of you has receive the Christmas mailing. To update you on Christmas masses:

On the Eve:

- The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered at 4pm
- Both the 5pm and 9pm are fully booked. Space of registrants not seated by mass time may be given over to walk-ins. 
- For those unable to enter the Church, Communion will be offered on the church steps from 6pm-6:20

Christmas Day:

- The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered at 8:45
- Reserve space for the 9:30 by calling the office
- Communion will be offered on the church steps from 10:30-10:45am

Due to unfortunate technical limitations, live-streaming will not be available at these times. To receive Spiritual Communion on this great Solemnity, tune in to St. Willibrord’s livestream on the Eve at 7pm, or Christmas morning at 11am

Both Weekends during Christmas Season

4pm Saturdays and 930am Sundays only

Solemnity of Mary Mother of God (New Year’s Eve):

A special prayer request: Prior to the pandemic, the CND sisters were active in our parish, especially in music ministry. 40 CND sisters of this venerable Montréal order have contracted the virus this month. Keep them in your prayers.

May you experience every blessing of peace and joy of
the Christ-child of Bethlehem,

Father Robert+

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Soul Health XXIII

Advent and Christmas at St.TM

Advent is upon us, a time of preparation in anticipation of Christmas -- the birth of the Christ Child in Bethlehem, and the Second Coming of Christ in glory. Mary and Joseph during this time perilously journeyed to Bethlehem amidst uncertainty of what their future held and even where they would lay their heads. Perhaps many of us can identify with them in these uncertain times. And like them, let us keep the faith, nurturing an Advent hope that God comes to be with us incarnate in Jesus Christ, and after Christmas in the person of the Holy Spirit.

1- Some opportunities for Advent faithfulness:

Consider Lectio Divina this Advent, four virtual “lunchtime” sessions that encourages you to pause & take time of your day to listen to God. Every Thursday online. First session pushed to December 3rd. Register here.

No time for online sessions? No problem. the Catholic Church of Montreal has prepared a series of resources for all ages to be enjoyed from your own home and at your own rhythm for Advent & Christmas. Enjoy podcasts, books, music, online retreats, family activities and crafts and a whole lot more!

Join the Companions of the Cross for an Advent Virtual Mission - Abound in Hope December 14, 15 & 16 - 7:00 PM. Fr. Ben St. Croix, Fr. Allan MacDonald, and Fr. Francis Ching will lead us through Advent into the Christmas season!

A number of opportunities for children and their parents were sent today to families. Reply to me to receive the email.

And finally….St. John Paul II's guide to a fruitful Advent

2- If you would like Advent candles blessed outside, I will offer this on the Church steps at 3:30 this Saturday.

3- Please send me first names for our prayer list, refreshed this weekend.

4- Those who ordered Magnificat can pick up their January edition in a couple of weeks. They are also giving us 13 months for the price of 12.

5- Spiritual Lessons from the Pandemic

6- Catholic Action’s Latest newsletter

7- We are aiming to hold the annual parishioners meeting after a 10am mass on Saturday December 12, to discuss the future of the parish and elect 2 wardens. We have special permission once 25 are signed up to attend in person, to have everyone else join by phone or Zoom video. Registration required by calling the office.

This is Important. Last year we had 70 attend, a sign you are deeply devoted to the well-being of the parish – let's try to match that number. And please consider being a warden – call me for more info (Must reside within parish bounds)

8- Sacraments:

Mass attendance on Saturdays is back to the pre-pandemic level of 50. There is still room in the Church at 5:15pm; the 4pm uses the Sacristy as well. Sunday morning hovers around 40, down from 100. We hope to have video equipment in place next week to be able to provide full audio-visual in the Sacristy. We need a camera operator, and technical set-up help – please volunteer!

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is now offered Saturdays at 4:50pm and Sundays at 9am. Encouragingly, if the number of penitents continues to grow, more scheduled opportunities will be offered. Confessions will always also be offered by appointment.

“Prepare ye the way of the Lord” in your hearts in Advent by partaking of this Sacrament before Christmas.

For those who are not yet ready to come to mass, catch us online for Spiritual Communion from St. Willibrord’s 11am Sundays online live on Facebook

We plan to offer at least 3 Christmas Masses – details to be announced this weekend. In person Registration will be offered the next two weekends. If space is still available, other registrations will be accepted.

Volunteer Readers and Collectors are still required for weekend masses. Several have not yet returned, so please consider offering yourself for this ministry. Contact the office. A shout out to all our volunteers -- THANK YOU!

My wishes for a Blessed and Peaceful a Advent

In the Christ-Child of Bethlehem,

Father Robert+