Upcoming Masses
Thursday (New Year’s Eve) – Registration required, by calling the office
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Mass of Obligation: 7pm
This Weekend
The Epiphany of the Lord: Saturday 4pm & Sunday 9:30am
Family Faith Formation & Sacramental Preparation
Begins in January -- a series of online weekly gatherings that will empower parents as the primary catechists of their children.
For: Parents with children preparing for First Communion and Confirmation, who will be given supplemental material for their children throughout the Family Faith Formation program.
Information sessions: Saturday, January 9th at 11am, Monday, January 11th at 7:30pm. To register for an information session, please email our Parish Catechetical Leader, Alexandra Johnson: alexandra.stwillibrord@gmail.com
Adult Faith Education Programs Online, led by Father Robert
Registration required (The best things in faith life are Free!)
The Sacraments, featuring Bishop Barron, 7 Thursdays at 7pm starting January 14th
Praying the The Rosary followed by a short study of The Bible and the Fathers of the Church Tuesdays at 7:30 pm starting January 12th
Call the office for inquiries about Baptism.
May you experience every blessing of peace and joy of this Christmas Season,
Father Robert+