Mass Schedule & Intentions
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, July 29th 2023: 4:30pm - Joan & John Purcell by Their Estate
Sanctuary Lamp
This week the Sanctuary Lamp is lit for
William & Lillian Fitzgerald by Darlene & Barry Fitzgerald
Catholic Action Montreal: Late Sunday Mass
Don't worry about missing Mass if your plans take you away on sunny summer Saturdays! Catholic Action Montreal's Late Sunday Mass is happy to welcome you every Sunday evening at St Willibrord's, 8:00pm.
Summer Maintenance Collections
Saturday, August 5th
Saturday, September 2nd
We thank you in advance for your continuous support to the Parish!
Sanctuary Lamp
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20.00. For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.
What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!