Friday, May 31, 2024




Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

Saturday, June 1st 2024 - 4:30pm
Offered for John Whelton by Caroline & Peter

A warm welcome and thank you to Father Jude Nixon, who will be celebrating Mass this Saturday!  There will also be light refreshments at the back of the church after Mass to thank him for being with us for the last seven months.

This week our Sanctuary Lamp is burning for
Msgr. Gerald J. McGlynn by His Family

A Message from Father Garrick, Parish Administrator
May 25th, 2024
Dear Parishioners & Friends of St. Thomas More Parish,

As I mentioned in my first address to you on May 4th, 2024, I accepted the nomination of parish administrator knowing that I would have to move things towards the closure of the parish as decided by the Wardens in December 2023 and approved by the Archdiocese in February 2024.  As we are celebrating the 80th year anniversary of the parish, it is a moment to reflect on what has been so many joyful years in St. Thomas More and the role that the people of the parish have played in the culture and history of Verdun.  So, with that in mind, we are celebrating the 80th anniversary on Saturday June 15th, 20024.

But to move things forward and to avoid any undue hope or expectation that I or the community can change what has been concluded for some time, I will celebrate the last public Mass for the parish of St. Thomas More on Saturday, July 27th, 2024.  My intention for this is to begin the process of mourning that is normal for any loss, especially for what has been the spiritual home and community for so many years, going back many generations.

I know this news is heartbreaking and I apologize for the pain that this causes.  I am very aware of what this means and would like to listen and meet with anyone who wants to express what they are feeling.  The Office is still operating under its usual hours, and is available to take messages for all those who would like to speak about the closure of the parish and then I will call the people back.  I want to take this moment to thank our parish secretary of long service, Miss Patricia McIver, for her kindness in receiving the phone calls of those who have been hurt by the impending closure of St. Thomas More.

Please know that after the last Mass on July 27th, the month of August will be spent organizing what needs to be moved over to St. Willibrord's because we want to preserve the patrimony of St. Thomas More.  Also, in August 2024 we will submit to the Registraire des Entreprises due Quebec the closing of the parish corporations (the Fabrique) and we anticipate the Archbishop of Montreal to dissolve the parish in the beginning of October 2024.

As more details become clearer, I will communicate them to you all both at Mass and in writing. 

Please be assured of my prayers and commitment to accompany you all during this important time.

Sincerely yours,
Fr. Garrick Huang, parish administrator 
We're Turning 80!
On Saturday, June 15th there will be a special Mass to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of our parish and also our patron saint, St. Thomas More. A reception will follow with a talk on the history of the parish and with photo illustrations.

The 80th Anniversary Committee would appreciate
any bakers in the parish who would like to contribute a dessert for the event or if anyone
would like to donate soft drinks it would be greatly appreciated. If you can help you are asked to contact the parish office at 514-768-4741 or email

Corpus Christi with St Willibrord's Parish - Sunday, June 2nd 
Parishioners are invited to join St Willibrord's Parish on Sunday, June 2nd, for Mass at 10:30am followed by a street procession in Verdun.

Second Collection 
This Saturday is the first Saturday of the new month!  We will have a second collection for maintenance.

Father's Day
Once again this year we will remember all our Fathers at the 4:30Pm Mass on Saturday June 15th . Envelopes will be available on the shelves at the back of the church next Saturday or you can use the envelope in your collection envelope set for your donation towards the Mass.

Please put your envelope in the regular collection on Saturday June 15th .

Office Hours
Regular Office Hours are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.
The office is closed on Wednesday.
Sanctuary Lamp & Vigil Lights
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20.  For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

The cost of the Vigil Lights are 50 cents for the small ones and $5.00 for the large. We ask you to please put your offering in the boxes or in a collection envelope indicating the amount for candles.

What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!

Friday, May 24, 2024



Trinity Sunday

Saturday, May 25th 2024 - 4:30pm
Offered for Joe Whelton by Caroline & Peter

This week our Sanctuary Lamp is burning for
Charles Sumeraj, husband of Marguerite Rowe Sumeraj, by The Rowe Family

We're Turning 80!
On Saturday, June 15th there will be a special Mass to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of our parish and also our patron saint, St. Thomas More.

A reception will follow with a talk on the history of the parish and with photos.  More info to come next weekend!

Father Jude Nixon
Next Saturday, June 1st at the 4:30pm Mass we will welcome back Fr. Jude Nixon who was with us here at St. Thomas More for seven months.  Following the Mass you will have a chance to thank Fr. Jude.
Garage Sale - A Huge Success!
The Parish Garage Sale held on Saturday May 18th was a huge success, not only did the weather cooperate but the Parish took in $1,159.80.  Thank you to Louise Dorais for organizing the event, to all who volunteered not only on the Saturday but to those behind the scenes who gave their time on the Thursday evening moving boxes and to all who came and supported this event.

Corpus Christi with St Willibrord's Parish - Sunday, June 2nd 
Parishioners are invited to join St Willibrord's Parish on Sunday, June 2nd, for Mass at 10:30am followed by a street procession in Verdun.

Diocesan Corpus Christi Celebration - Thursday, May 30th
All the faithful of our archdiocese of Montreal are cordially invited to a special bilingual Mass presided by Archbishop Christian Lepine, followed by a Eucharistic procession through the streets of downtown on Thursday evening, May 30th beginning at 7:30pm.

Mass will be celebrated at and the procession will begin from Mary Queen of the World Cathedral (Bonaventure or Peel Metro) the procession will be via Ste. Catherine St. The evening concludes as always, with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Patrick’s Basilica (Place des Arts Metro).

Priests will be available for Confessions at the Cathedral from 7pm. Candles will be available for the procession, at a nominal cost, as you enter the Cathedral. For more info: Fr. Peter Sabbath by calling 514-626-4111 or by emailing

Office Hours
Regular Office Hours are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.
The office is closed on Wednesday.

Sanctuary Lamp & Vigil Lights
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20.  For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

The cost of the Vigil Lights are 50 cents for the small ones and $5.00 for the large. We ask you to please put your offering in the boxes or in a collection envelope indicating the amount for candles.

What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal
for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!

Friday, May 17, 2024




Pentecost Sunday

Saturday, May 18h 2024 - 4:30pm
Offered for William Warren, Sr., by Bill & Denise 

A warm welcome and thank you to Father Garrick Huang, our new parochial administrator, for celebrating Mass this weekend!

This week our Sanctuary Lamp is burning for
Gerald C. Gummersell by His Sister Allanna

Garage Sale
We will be holding a Garage Sale on the lawns of the Church on Saturday, May 18th from 9:30am-2:30pm (if the weather is bad, we will move to the Hall, accessible by the door at 978 Moffat). There will be a variety of items including new toys, collectibles, and white elephant items.

Corpus Christi with St Willibrord's Parish - Sunday, June 2nd 
Parishioners are invited to join St Willibrord's Parish on Sunday, June 2nd, for Mass at 10:30am followed by a street procession in Verdun.

Diocesan Corpus Christi Celebration - Thursday, May 30th
All the faithful of our archdiocese of Montreal are cordially invited to a special bilingual Mass presided by Archbishop Christian Lepine, followed by a Eucharistic procession through the streets of downtown on Thursday evening, May 30th beginning at 7:30pm.

Mass will be celebrated at and the procession will begin from Mary Queen of the World Cathedral (Bonaventure or Peel Metro) the procession will be via Ste. Catherine St. The evening concludes as always, with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Patrick’s Basilica (Place des Arts Metro).

Priests will be available for Confessions at the Cathedral from 7pm. Candles will be available for the procession, at a nominal cost, as you enter the Cathedral. For more info: Fr. Peter Sabbath by calling 514-626-4111 or by emailing


Office Hours
Regular Office Hours are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.
The office is closed on Wednesday.

Sanctuary Lamp & Vigil Lights
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20.  For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

The cost of the Vigil Lights are 50 cents for the small ones and $5.00 for the large. We ask you to please put your offering in the boxes or in a collection envelope indicating the amount for candles.

What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal
for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!

Friday, May 3, 2024




Sixth Sunday of Easter

Saturday, May 4th 2024 - 4:30pm
Offered for the Anniversary of Kenneth Warren by Bill & Denise

Thank you to Father Jude for presiding today!
Father Jude is also available for Confessions starting at 4:00pm.

This week our Sanctuary Lamp is burning for
Jimmy Hanson by Roseanne Law

We are pleased to announce that as of May 1st 2024, Father Garrick Huang has been appointed as the Parochial Administrator for Saint Thomas More, replacing Father Raymond Lafontaine, EV.  

Father Garrick will join Father Jude at Mass on May 11th 2024, at which time he will provide parishioners with an update on the status of the parish.  He will then be our regular celebrant for our 4:30pm Mass on Saturdays.  

After Mass on May 11th we invite all parishioners to share coffee, tea, and treats at the back of the church to thank Father Jude for his dedication and service to our parish over the last several months.  

Receipts & Expenses for April 2024
Receipts: $6,110.80 (includes Notre Dame de la Garde - $1000.00 - Rent)
Disbursements: $15,517.01 (includes Insurance - $3,623.00 - Church & Rectory)
The deficit for the month was: $9,406.21

Maintenance Collection
This Saturday, May 4th, is the first Saturday of the month. A second collection will be taken up after communion for maintenance.

Mother's Day Mass
Once again this year we will remember all our Mothers at the 4:30pm Mass on Saturday, May 11th. Envelopes will be available next weekend for your donation towards the Mass.

Garage Sale
We will be holding a Garage Sale on the lawns of the Church on Saturday, May 18th from 9:30am-2:30pm (if the weather is bad, we will move to the Hall). There will be a variety of items including new toys. More information to come next week!