May is the month of Mary (thus the Marian blue font colour). It always begins with the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, and ends with the Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady to Elizabeth.
1. The four Tuesdays in May, beginning at 7:30 online, we will pray the Rosary, followed by a reflection I will offer based on Our Lady's Magnificat which she proclaimed at the Visitation, followed by group discussion. To participate, email Danielle Morin.
Also, Pope Francis invites us all to pray for an end of pandemic, as tomorrow he launches a 30-day May Rosary relay led by 30 Marian shrines around the globe, for end of pandemic. Join daily at Noon here or on Facebook here.
Saturday-Sunday, 15-16 May 2021 (1:00-4:00p.m. both days)
For more information & to register for the Zoom link, contact our staff member Sam Farrugia at 438-397-5233;
3. Adult Catechesis -- You don't need to be a Confirmand to join -- open to all!
I will offer an Adult Confirmation Preparation program, beginning in May. If you or someone you know hasn’t yet received this Sacrament, or is interested in this educational opportunity, please contact Fr. Robert or the parish office.
The only masses not fully registered for this 5th Sunday of Easter are:
Saturday: 515pm, in the Sacristy Sunday: 8:30am in the Sacristy
Let us celebrate and rejoice in the Risen Jesus together!
Father Robert+