Friday, April 29, 2022
Soul Health LXXVI
Starting next Sunday and continuing throughout the Easter Season, Father Robert will be doing a Sermon Series on the topic of Discipleship. This month's hymn selections will also pick up on this theme, and you are encouraged to sing along! More so than singing, though, you are also encouraged to intentionally reflect on all that you hear through the homilies and hymns this month, and to listen intently for God's call to you.
As we progress through Eastertide towards Pentecost, consider the ways in which your spiritual growth can help our parish bear more fruit. After all, ours is a Living Faith – imagine what our parish could look like if we took that to heart and brought it into all we do here!
Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, April 30 to May 7:
Saturday, April 30: Gaetan Berube by Maureen Dearden
Sunday, May 1st: For All Parishioners, followed by Coffee Hour in the Hall
Tuesday, May 3rd: Anniversary of Kenneth Warren by Bill & Denise
Thursday, May 5th: For the intentions of Jasper Corcoran by His Parents
Calling All Parish Youth!
The Montreal Catholic Challenge Movement is coming to Verdun next weekend! Fr. Robert encourages others to join some of our parish young people taking up this great opportunity. Speak to him for more info!
You can also earn more about Challenge and register for the retreat at
Father Stu packs a cinematic and spiritual punch
Mark Wahlberg’s latest movie, Father Stu, is now in theatres! With a 95% audience rating, the true story of boxer-turned-priest Father Stuart Long is a powerful film of providence and redemption. You are invited to join Fr. Robert and Nancy and friends this Sunday at 4:30pm downtown for the movie followed by dinner out afterwards. Please speak to them for details by calling the Saint Thomas More parish office (514-768-4741).
Bishop Robert Barron also sat down with Mark Wahlberg to discuss the film, and you can join the conversation at!
"Wash your sins, not just your face"…
…is the translation of a quirky Greek inscription on a holy water font outside the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (see below)! Blessing yourself with holy water upon entering and exiting a church is an old tradition in our faith, and it’s finally returned to our parish. Holy water is available at all the church entrances. If you’d like to have holy water at home, you can fill a small container from the metal holy water font by the doors heading down to the Hall.
There’s nothing like a mother’s love…
…so honor yours on Sunday, May 8th! As is our tradition, we will remember all our mothers, living and deceased, at the 9:30am Mass. Those who wish to make a special donation in honor of their mothers can use the white envelopes available at the back of the church – please write your envelope number or name on yours, and drop it in the regular collection on May 8th.
Praying for you!
Fr Robert is renewing his prayer list! Parishioners are invited to send the first names of up to six of their nearest and dearest to have them added to Fr Robert’s daily prayers. Lists can be sent to Fr Robert or to the parish office.
The Life’s Work of the First Millennial Saint is coming to Montreal!
Blessed Carlo Acutis’ Exhibition: The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
April 25 – May 13 at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral
Blessed Carlo Acutis (May 3rd 1991 – October 12th 2006) was an amateur programmer best known for documenting Eucharistic miracles on his website before his death from leukemia. Beatified in October 2020, he is the first person of the Millennial generation to be on the path to Sainthood, and is the patron of programmers and youth. The travelling exhibition of his life’s work - which will be of particular interest to youth! - will be on display at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral from April 25 to May 13, with opportunities for guided tours and presentations as well as a special Mass to venerate Blessed Carlo’s relic. For more information, visit
Joyful noise for a good cause: L’Air du Temps, a Cathedral Concert featuring Gregory Charles OC
Saturday, May 28th at 7:30pm ($50) – Mary Queen of the World Cathedral
Known for his stage presence, energy, creativity, and dedication to Canada’s performing arts and culture, musician Gregory Charles lends his talents to the Permanent Diaconite of Montreal with this benefit concert. For more information visit
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+
Friday, April 22, 2022
Soul Health LXXV
The Holy Triduum of 2022 was a beautiful experience for our parish, sharing liturgies with Saint Willibrord and Notre Dame de la Garde. Father Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar, presided at our Easter Vigil, where we also welcomed a new sister in Christ through Baptism, and then celebrated three adult First Communions and five adult Confirmations.
Starting next Sunday and continuing throughout the Easter Season, Father Robert will be doing a Sermon Series on the topic of Discipleship. As we move through the Easter Season towards Pentecost, let us not abandon the spiritual efforts we made throughout Lent. Instead, let’s reflect on what we cultivated during our Lenten Disciplines – what’s taken root and what can bear more fruit throughout this joyful Eastertide? How can we follow the Risen Lord through this season and truly live in him?
Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, April 9 to April 15:
Saturday, April 23rd – 4:00pm: Communion Service
Sunday, April 24th – 9:30am: For All Parishioners
Tuesday, April 26th – 11:00am: Anniversary of Dave & Eileen Watson by Bil & Dense
Thursday, April 28th – 11:00am: Florence Douglas by Ann Foran
The Life’s Work of the First Millennial Saint is coming to Montreal!
Blessed Carlo Acutis’ Exhibition: The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
April 25 – May 13 at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral
Blessed Carlo Acutis (May 3rd 1991 – October 12th 2006) was an amateur programmer best known for documenting Eucharistic miracles on his website before his death from leukemia. Beatified in October 2020, he is the first person of the Millennial generation to be on the path to Sainthood, and is the patron of programmers and youth. The travelling exhibition of his life’s work - which will be of particular interest to youth! - will be on display at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral from April 25 to May 13, with opportunities for guided tours and presentations as well as a special Mass to venerate Blessed Carlo’s relic. For more information, visit
Calling All Parish Youth!
The Montreal Catholic Challenge Movement is coming to St Willibrord Parish, Friday May 6th to Sunday May 8th and invites parish youth between the ages of 18 to 30 to join them for an encounter with Christ alongside other young people journeying in faith! Learn more about Challenge and register for the retreat at
Joyful noise for a good cause: L’Air du Temps, a Cathedral Concert featuring Gregory Charles OC
Saturday, May 28th at 7:30pm ($50) – Mary Queen of the World Cathedral
Known for his stage presence, energy, creativity, and dedication to Canada’s performing arts and culture, musician Gregory Charles lends his talents to the Permanent Diaconite of Montreal with this benefit concert. For more information visit
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+
Friday, April 15, 2022
Soul Health: Good Friday & Easter From the Foot of the Cross to the Empty Tomb
The Holy Triduum has begun. After a beautiful Mass of the Lord's Supper yesterday, celebrated with Saint Willibrord and Notre Dame de la Garde, we journey today to stand in sorrow at the foot of the Cross. Our faith, hope, and love will bring us to rejoice at Christ's empty tomb at Easter.
Today: Good Friday
Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord
- 1:00pm at Saint Thomas More
- 3:00pm at Saint Willibrord followed by the Way of the Sorrowful Mother at 4:00pm
Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence
Fasting: One full meal during the day. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but their combined amount should not be equal to that of a full meal. The norms of fasting are obligatory for Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59, unless exempted due to medical circumstances.
Abstinence: No meat may be consumed. Seafood, dairy, and eggs are permitted. The norms of abstinence are obligatory for Catholics above the age of 14.
Easter Vigil
Saturday, 8:00pm at Saint Willibrord Parish (351 Willibrord, Verdun)
Joint Mass for St Thomas More and St Willibrord with Father Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar, presiding
Over the last year, including during the season of Lent, seven adults from the English Roman Catholic Parishes of Verdun have been preparing to receive Sacraments of Initiation this Easter! Please keep them in your prayers this weekend and all through the Easter season: Jennifer, Yvonne, Joey, Jessica, Sara, Gael, and Sergio.
Easter Sunday Mass
9:30am - Offered for all parishioners
The Octave of Easter
Monday, April 18: 11:00am - John & Joan Purcell by Their Estate
Tuesday, April 19: Communion Service
Thursday, April 21: 11:00am - Linda De Paolo by Wally & Rose Gregory
Saturday, April 22: 4:00pm - Communion Service
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly +
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Soul Health, Special Edition: Immerse Yourselves in Holy Week!
As Our Lord enters the Holy City, let us enter with him and journey through Holy Week to the foot of the Cross. Our full Holy Week schedule is below, so you can plan a fruitful and grace-filled week!
Tonight at Saint Willibrord Parish: Reconcile yourself to God through Confession, and follow Christ into the tomb through Tenebrae
351 Willibrord, Verdun - 7:30pm
You can learn more about Tenebrae by reading this article: -- but why stop there? After the Reconciliation Liturgy at 7:30pm, join fellow parishioners of the English Roman
Catholic Parishes of Verdun tonight to experience Tenebrae yourself, where all will be led in prayer by Professor Brian Butcher through this ancient and beautiful liturgy.
To help prepare for Confession before Easter, the USCCB has a selection of Examinations of Conscience available here:
Listen to a parishioner’s testimony of the impact the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the St Willibrord homepage (scroll down to the section “Why go to Confession?” and hit play):
Tonight: Religious Roots of the War in Ukraine, by our very own Professor Brian Butcher This free event at the McGill School of Religious Studies focuses on East Slavic history with special attention given to the determinative role that the Orthodox and Byzantine-Rite Catholic communities have played therein. All are welcome to join Dr Brian Butcher and Rev Dr Ihor Sutash to pray, learn and discuss. A collection will be taken to support relief efforts in the war zone.
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly +
Friday, April 8, 2022
Soul Health LXXIV
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As Our Lord enters the Holy City, let us enter with him and journey through Holy Week to the foot of the Cross. A full Holy Week schedule is included below to help you plan a fruitful and grace-filled week!
Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, April 9 to April 15:
Saturday, April 9 – 2:00pm: Stations of the Cross; 2:30pm: Reconciliation Liturgy and Confessions; 4:00pm: Mass, offered for all Parishioners
Sunday, April 10 (Palm Sunday) – 9:30am: Brendan Stephen Abraham by John Abraham
Tuesday, April 12 – 11:00am: Anniversary of Mary Cameron by Bill & Denise
Thursday, April 14 – There is no 11:00am Mass on Thursday, April 15
To help prepare for Confession before Easter, the USCCB has a selection of Examinations of Conscience available here:
Listen to a parishioner’s testimony of the impact the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the St Willibrord homepage (scroll down to the section “Why go to Confession?” and hit play):
Support & Solidarity
A thousand words of thanks!
A heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to Annual Development and Peace Collection last weekend! Through your generosity, our parish's contribution amounted to $1,016.50 for Development & Peace. You can still make a contribution using in the blue maintenance envelope for April and dropping it in the regular collection.
Religious Roots of the War in Ukraine, by our very own Professor Brian Butcher
This free event at the McGill School of Religious Studies, focuses on East Slavic history with special attention given to the determinative role that the Orthodox and Byzantine-Rite Catholic communities have played therein. All are welcome to join Dr Brian Butcher and Rev Dr Ihor Sutash to pray, learn and discuss. A collection will be taken to support relief efforts in the war zone.
Do Some Good on Good Friday!
Annual Holy Land Collection
The Good Friday Collection is requested by the Holy See to help maintain the Christian sites of the Holy Land and to support the Church in the pastoral, educational, and social works that contribute to a sustained Christian presence in the land where Jesus the Christ once walked. Envelope users are asked to use the envelope in their set.
Roll up a sleeve and give blood with the Archbishop
Help the Archdiocese achieve its goal of 50 donors at the Good Friday Blood Drive! For more information, including how to check your eligibility as a potential donor, click here:
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly +
Friday, April 1, 2022
Soul Health LXXIII
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
It's a new month, and the end of Lent is fast approaching! As we welcome spring, let's also prepare ourselves to welcome the Lord in just a couple of weeks by continuing our Lenten Disciplines and giving ourselves joyfully in service to those around us.
Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, April 2 to April 9:
Saturday, April 2nd – 4:00pm: For all Parishioners
Sunday, April 3rd – 9:30am: Adolf Scweighart by Ione Thompson
Tuesday, April 5th – 11:00am: Anniversary of Mr Vincenzo Nudo by His Family
Thursday, April 7th – 11:00am: Anniversary of Elphege Poirier by Bill & Denise
Liturgy Schedule for Saturday, April 9th:
- 2:00pm: Stations of the Cross
- 2:30pm: Reconciliation Liturgy
- 4:00pm: Mass - Offered for all Parishioners
A full Holy Week schedule is at the bottom of this email
Last week on the feast of the Annunciation, Pope Francis consecrated Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This will be the subject of this week's homily, so you are encouraged to read or listen to the Pope's Consecration Prayer before Mass this weekend.
- Read the Consecration Prayer here:
- Watch Pope Francis pray it here:
To help prepare for Confession before Easter, the USCCB has a selection of Examinations of Conscience available here:
Listen to a parishioner’s testimony of the impact the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the St Willbrord homepage (scroll down to the section “Why go to Confession?” and hit play):
For the People and the Planet: Upcoming Special Collection
The annual Development & Peace collection for Share Lent will be taken up as a Second Collection this weekend using the blue Maintenance envelopes in the boxed sets. If you don’t use boxed sets, extra envelopes are available at the back of the church for you to make a contribution.
The Share Lent theme this year is “People & Planet First” and for more information, visit the Share Lent 2022 Campaign page.
Make a gift of yourself to others!
Sharing your time, talent, and treasure, and contribute to the needs of God’s people. Contact the Parish Office to let us know how you can help, and let your light shine!
Time: If you’re already attending Mass, why not take a small leap of faith into volunteering? Make a gift of your time by volunteering for Coffee Hour, taking up the collection, or greeting at the door.
Talent: Combine the gift of time with something you love doing, and contribute your talent to our parish! These could be: reading at Mass, assisting with various technological needs, or baking something delicious to share at Coffee Hour!
Treasure: The weekly collection is an incredibly important resource for the parish, and your contributions to it support our various programs and efforts to serve our parish and our community.
Spiritual Support & Solidarity
The Indigenous Delegation to the Vatican had its final meeting with Pope Francis today, wrapping up a week of working towards reconciliation. Watch the replay here:
Free Concert! A Harmonious Evening with Harmonie
Harmonie Richelieu de Verdun is performing a free concert at St Thomas More on Saturday, April 2nd at 7:30pm. A goodwill offering is most welcome, and will be taken up at the concert.
Celebrating a Decade of the Archbishop's Dedication and Service
In case you missed the celebration of the Archbishop’s 10th Anniversary, you can read the address from the Papal Representative here:
Roll up a sleeve and give blood with the Archbishop!
Help the Archdiocese achieve its goal of 50 donors at the Good Friday Blood Drive! For more information, including how to check your eligibility as a potential donor, click here:
Calling All Youth!
The next Challenge Retreat is a month away, but we know your schedules fill up quickly so we wanted to let you know all about it now!
Do any of these photos ring a bell for you?
Montreal has seemingly countless churches, and we invite you to explore La Ville au Cent Clochers (the City of 100 Belltowers) on Facebook to make their virtual acquaintance:
Perhaps, you might even consider visiting a new church in person as part of a Lenten pilgrimage within the city!
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly +