Soul Health CXIX
Praying for Father Robert
Your continuous prayers for Fr Robert and compassionate support during this difficult time is so graciously appreciated and we are beyond words to describe our gratitude.
Fr Robert has returned home from hospital and expects to receive his test results in a couple of weeks' time.
All are invited to Saint Willibrord's on Monday, February 27th at 7:30pm for an evening vigil of scripture, worship and prayer in support of Fr Robert, his wife and family, and everyone providing him care.
Scripture is an incredibly profound source of grace, and engaging with the Word of God more often can do wonders for our faith and spiritual health. With this in mind, we also invite you all to unite in prayer through Psalm 41.
Lenten Mass Schedule
Weekend Mass: Saturday, 4:30pm
The 8:30am Sunday Mass and all weekday Masses are suspended during Lent. Weekday Masses already booked for your intentions will be said privately.
Parishioners' Meeting: Saturday, February 25th - 2:30pm
Coming out of our February 11th Parishioners' Meeting, our gathering and discussion on February 25th will determine our next step as a parish. We look forward to seeing you then in the Mary Room, followed by the 4:30pm Mass!
Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions
This week the Sanctuary Lamp is lit for Frank & Gertrude McIlwaine by John & Irene Langevin
Get me to the church on time!
Parishioners who cannot make it to the Saturday Mass or who are looking for a weekday Mass are invited to St Willibrord's on Sundays at 10:30am and St Gabriel's (2111 Rue Centre) on Tuesdays at 7:00pm.
Catholic Action Montreal's Late Sunday Mass begins at 8:00pm, every Sunday night at St Willibrord's.
Reflection on the First Sunday of Lent
With the arrival of Ash Wednesday this past week, we have reached the season of the liturgical year when scripture, tradition, and teaching point us towards two great tasks. First, we must come face-to-face with our sinfulness and brokenness, and acknowledge we are in this state of imperfection. Then, we must look beyond our sinful, broken state towards God and commit ourselves to drawing closer to Him through prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
This week, we encounter Jesus in the desert after the revelation of his identity through his baptism in the River Jordan. Led by the Spirit into the desert, Jesus fasts for forty days and nights, then finds himself in a very human situation with which we are all familiar: completely vulnerable and confronted by the temptation of taking the easy way out.
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