Soul Health XCVIII
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Doubt is part of the human experience, but we would be mistaken to assume that people of great faith never have any doubts at all. Some of the greatest Saints were also great doubters – yet doubt did not overpower their faith.
Our First and Second Readings this week address doubt and faith. Indeed, the overarching theme of the Book of Habakkuk, from which the First Reading is taken, is that faith takes us from being doubtful of God and elevates us to the height of absolute trust in Him. The Lord’s reassurance to the prophet is also part of our spiritual inheritance from the Old Testament. We believe that God the Son already came – that he lived, died, and rose again to save us, and ascended into Heaven. Now it is our turn to live in faith, and trust that Jesus Christ will return again, as he promised.
Saint Paul, as always, has his own advice for us as well. In the Second Reading, the Apostle reminds us that the Spirit of God is within us, and it is one of power, love, and self-discipline. The Holy Spirit helps us to not only keep our faith, but also to withstand the challenges we face as we live out our faith as disciples who bring faith to others.
We know in our parish that change is before us and with it come challenges both already known and still to be discovered. Let’s not allow doubt of the unknown to turn into doubt of God’s promises. Instead, let’s call upon the Holy Spirit earnestly and constantly so that we may unleash God’s power and love as we transform our parish into a spiritual home for every heart that hears His voice, and live in trust and hope together.
Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, October 1-7
Saturday, October 1: Bill & Lillian Fitzgerald by Their Family
Sunday, October 2: For All Parishioners
Tuesday, October 3 (St Francis of Assisi): Dora Pickrell by Kathie & Tony Farnogli
Thursday, October 6 (St Bruno & Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher): Tim Crawfurd by Elena Miroglio
The Sanctuary Lamp
This week the Sanctuary Lamp is lit for the third anniversary of Diane Roy by her husband, Rene.
Beginning this weekend our Sanctuary Lamp (Candle above the Tabernacle) will be in memory of someone or for their intention. As our Mass intentions are booked far in advance this is a way you can remember someone. The candle is lit for the week for a suggested offering of $20.00. For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office
50/50 Returns to St Thomas More!
Our newly established Fundraising Committee has decided to have a 50/50 Draw in October, November & December!
- Ticket Prices: $2.00 each, 3 for $5.00 and 7 for $10.00.
- October Tickets: On sale next weekend October 1st-2nd at all the Masses
- October Draw: Saturday, October 29th after the 4:30pm Mass
We can't do this without you!
Last week, our team of Wardens was confronted with a new difficult financial situation for our parish. Regular Collections are $10,000 below what was budgeted and our expenses, primarily Heating are already over the budget for the entire year. Please consider substantially increasing your giving to the parish as we consider how to overcome the looming deficit.
Alpha: There's still time!
If you missed the first Alpha gathering on September 27 at St Willibrord's, don't worry! First-time walk-ins are welcome on October 4th, so if you hesitated last week but still want to give Alpha a try there's still time and we'd love to see you there!
Have you talked to your Heavenly Mother lately?
October is dedicated to the Rosary and Mother Mary. Join a community Rosary at 1:00pm Saturday, October 15 to "call your mama" and pray with fellow parishioners. The church will open at 12:00pm for private prayer time as well.
Coffee Break Catechesis
- What to do about feeling far from God
Take a few minutes this week to sit with Fr Gregory Pine, OP, and unpack St Francis de Sales’ take on desolation and consolation, and the important purposes they both serve in our spiritual life and our relationship with God.
Beyond Verdun
- Pillars Trust: Ask Us Anything!
The Pillars Trust Fund is hosting an online "Ask Us Anything" event later this month to help you learn more about various Catholic organizations serving the faithful of Montreal. For more information and to submit your questions for this event, visit
- New Month, New Intention!
The Papal Intention for October 2022: A Church Open to Everyone- “We pray for the Church: ever faithful to, and courageous in preaching the Gospel, may the Church be a community of solidarity, fraternity, and welcome, always living in an atmosphere of synodality.”
- Click here to read a reflection on this intention from a priest in the UK
Put Your Faith, Hope, and Love into Action!
- Pastoral Home Care
- Be a living bridge to Christ for the sick, elderly, and isolated in our city! The Pastoral Home Care ministry of the Archdiocese will provide formation in October for newcomers to this important ministry. For more information:
- CAPP has landed in Canada
- CAPP was founded by Pope St. John Paul II to advance the principles of the social doctrine of the Church: the dignity of the human person, solidarity and subsidiarity. Learn more at:
- Catholic Action Montreal
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+