Friday, December 29, 2023



Mass Schedule & Intentions
The Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary
Saturday, December 30th 2023 at 4:30pm
Jozef Andrzej Wichrowski by The Olaguera Family

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Sunday, December 31st 2023 at 4:30pm
For the Intentions of Our Parishioners

Notre Dame-De-La-Garde Parish will have Mass on New Year’s Day at 10:30am (French Mass) here in the church.

Sanctuary Lamp
Our Sanctuary Lamp this week is burning for 
Lilly & Bill Fitzgerald by Barry & Darlene

Many thanks and a warm welcome to Father Jude Nixon who will be celebrating our Holiday Masses!  Father Jude will be with us for the month of January.
He will be available for Confessions before Mass for those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Living With Christ Sunday Missal 2023-2024 & December Magnificat
The missals for the next Liturgical Year are now available on the shelves at the back of the church.  The cost is $5.00 and you can put your payment in the envelope provided and drop it in the collection basket during Mass.

Parishioners who subscribe to the Magnificat may pick up their December Issue on the shelves at the back of the church. There are 2 extra copies available for $5.00 each.

Next Year's Envelopes 
2024 envelopes will be distributed in alphabetical order at the back of the church.  If you do not yet have a set and would like to start using the envelopes to make your regular contributions, please contact the Office. 

Office Hours
Regular Office Hours are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.
The office is closed on Wednesday.

Sanctuary Lamp
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20. 
For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal 
for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!


Friday, December 22, 2023




Mass Schedule & Intentions
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 23rd 2023
Anniversary of Nick & Irene Vocino by Their Family

The Nativity of the Lord
Sunday, December 24th 2023
For the Intentions of Our Parishioners

Sanctuary Lamp
Our Sanctuary Lamp this week is burning for 
Lilly & Bill Fitzgerald by Barry & Darlene

Holiday Mass Schedule 
Saturday, December 23rd - 4th Sunday of Advent:  4:30pm
Sunday, December 24th - Christmas Eve:  7:00pm (Carols at 6:30pm)
Saturday, December 30th - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph:  4:30pm
Sunday, December 31st - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God:  4:30pm

Notre Dame de la Garde is celebrating a Christmas Morning Mass
in French at 10:30am on Monday, December 25th 

Many thanks and a warm welcome to Father Jude Nixon who will be celebrating our Holiday Masses!  Father Jude will be with us for the month of January.
He will be available for Confessions before Mass for those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


Thank Yous! 
A huge thank you to Patricia McIver and her Christmas Baskets Team for serving 31 families in our community this year, as well as to everyone who made donations and helped out.   

Many thanks to Bill & Denise Warren, Irene & John Langevin, Suzanne King, Kathleen Rowe, and all who assisted them in decorating for Christmas both inside and outside the church!  Your time and efforts are greatly appreciated!

Toys for the Christ Child 
Once again this year at Christmas, we encourage children to bring gifts to Jesus at the Crib. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to teach their child a valuable lesson of sharing. It would be appreciated if the gifts are marked boy or girl and the age.

Living With Christ Sunday Missal 2023-2024 & December Magnificat
The missals for the next Liturgical Year are now available on the shelves at the back of the church.  The cost is $5.00 and you can put your payment in the envelope provided and drop it in the collection basket during Mass.

Parishioners who subscribe to the Magnificat may pick up their December Issue on the shelves at the back of the church. There are 2 extra copies available for $5.00 each.

If you would like to receive the 11-Month Financial Statement by email, please contact the Office.

Next Year's Envelopes 
2024 envelopes will be distributed in alphabetical order at the back of the church.  If you do not yet have a set and would like to start using the envelopes to make your regular contributions, please contact the Office. 

Office Hours
Regular Office Hours are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.
The office is closed on Wednesday.

Sanctuary Lamp
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20. 
For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal 
for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!

Friday, December 15, 2023




Saturday, December 16th 2023 after the 4:30pm Mass
Our Annual Meeting of Parishioners to elect new Wardens is this weekend!  Parishioners interested in becoming a Warden are asked to contact the Office or to speak to a current Warden for further details.


Mass Schedule & Intentions

The Third Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 16th 2023
Wayne Warren by Bill & Denise

A warm welcome and many thanks to Father Raymond Lafontaine
for being with us this weekend!

Sanctuary Lamp
Our Sanctuary Lamp this week is burning for 
Gilles Daoust by His Wife Betty 

Holiday Mass Schedule 
Saturday, December 23rd - 4th Sunday of Advent:  4:30pm
Sunday, December 24th - Christmas Eve:  7:00pm (Carols at 6:30pm)
Saturday, December 30th - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph:  4:30pm
Sunday, December 31st - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God:  4:30pm


Annual Canned Goods Collection
The last day of the canned goods collection for Christmas Baskets is tomorrow, December 16th!  There's still a bit of time left to donate foods associated with meals during the Christmas Season (example: canned fruits and puddings, cookies and treats for children).

Parishioners wishing to make a donation towards the meat and perishable items are asked to place their offering in the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes on the walls at the back of the church.

Toys for the Christ Child 
Once again this year at Christmas, we encourage children to bring gifts to Jesus at the Crib. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to teach their child a valuable lesson of sharing. It would be appreciated if the gifts are marked boy or girl and the age.

Living With Christ Sunday Missal 2023-2024 & December Magnificat
The missals for the next Liturgical Year are now available on the shelves at the back of the church.  The cost is $5.00 and you can put your payment in the envelope provided and drop it in the collection basket during Mass.

Parishioners who subscribe to the Magnificat may pick up their December Issue on the shelves at the back of the church. There are 2 extra copies available for $5.00 each.

If you would like to receive the 11-Month Financial Statement by email, please contact the Office.

Next Year's Envelopes 
2024 envelopes will be distributed in alphabetical order at the back of the church.  If you do not yet have a set and would like to start using the envelopes to make your regular contributions, please contact the Office. 

Office Hours
Regular Office Hours are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.
The office is closed on Wednesday.

Sanctuary Lamp
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20. 
For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal 
for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!

Friday, December 8, 2023




Saturday, December 16th 2023 after the 4:30pm Mass
Our Annual Meeting of Parishioners to elect new Wardens is coming up!  Parishioners interested in becoming a Warden are asked to contact the parish office or to speak to any of the current Wardens for more details.


Mass Schedule & Intentions

The Second Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 9th 2023
Yvette Boutet by Her Family

A warm welcome and many thanks to Father Jude Nixon,
who will be with us until the end of December. 

Father Jude is available for Confessions in the confessional to the right of the main doors before the 4:30pm Mass for those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  

Sanctuary Lamp
Our Sanctuary Lamp this week is burning for 
Sheila McGlynn & Teresa McGoldrick by Their Family

Holiday Mass Schedule 
Saturday, December 23rd - 4th Sunday of Advent:  4:30pm
Sunday, December 24th - Christmas Eve:  7:00[m
Saturday, December 30th - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph:  4:30pm
Sunday, December 31st - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God:  4:30pm


Annual Canned Goods Collection
The Annual Canned Goods Collection to be used in the Christmas Baskets will begin next
Saturday November 11th and continue until December 16th for donations of canned goods and non-perishable food items.

We especially need the appropriate foods associated with meals 
during the Christmas Season (example: canned fruits and puddings, cookies and treats for children). Parishioners wishing to make a donation towards the meat and perishable are asked to place their offering in the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes on the walls at the back of the church.

Living With Christ Sunday Missal 2023-2024 & December Magnificat
The missals for the next Liturgical Year are now available on the shelves at the back of the church.  The cost is $5.00 and you can put your payment in the envelope provided and drop it in the collection basket during Mass.

Parishioners who subscribe to the Magnificat may pick up their December Issue on the shelves at the back of the church. There are 2 extra copies available for $5.00 each.

If you would like to receive the 11-Month Financial Statement by email, please contact the Office.

50/50 Results 
Congratulations to Clare Romandini who won $423.50!

We thank Denise Poirier and Irene Langevin for organizing and selling the tickets for our 50/50 draws, as well as all who bought tickets and supported the parish.

Next Year's Envelopes 
Starting this weekend, the 2024 sets of envelopes will be distributed in alphabetical order at the back of the church.  If you do not yet have a set and would like to start using the envelopes to make your regular contributions, please contact the Office. 

Office Hours
Regular Office Hours are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.
The office is closed on Wednesday.

Sanctuary Lamp
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20. 
For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal 
for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!

Friday, December 1, 2023



Saturday, December 16th 2023 after the 4:30pm Mass
Our Annual Meeting of Parishioners to elect new Wardens is coming up!  Parishioners interested in becoming a Warden are asked to contact the parish office.


Mass Schedule & Intentions

The First Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Anniversary of Fr. George Oakes & Anniversary of Gerald Gummersell
by Allanna Gummersell

A warm welcome and many thanks to Father Jude Nixon,
who will be with us until the end of December. 

Father Jude is available for Confessions in the confessional to the right of the main doors before the 4:30pm Mass for those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  

Sanctuary Lamp
Our Sanctuary Lamp this week is burning for 
Gerald Gummersell by His Sister Allanna


Annual Canned Goods Collection
The Annual Canned Goods Collection to be used in the Christmas Baskets will begin next
Saturday November 11th and continue until December 16th for donations of canned goods and non-perishable food items.

We especially need the appropriate foods associated with meals 
during the Christmas Season (example: canned fruits and puddings, cookies and treats for children). Parishioners wishing to make a donation towards the meat and perishable are asked to place their offering in the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes on the walls at the back of the church.

Living With Christ Sunday Missal 2023-2024 & December Magnificat
The missals for the next Liturgical Year are now available on the shelves at the back of the church.  The cost is $5.00 and you can put your payment in the envelope provided and drop it in the collection basket during Mass.

Parishioners who subscribe to the Magnificat may pick up their December Issue on the shelves at the back of the church. There are 2 extra copies available for $5.00 each.

Receipts: $4,189.00
Disbursements: $10,997.51
The deficit for the month was: $6,808.51

Donation $1,199.99

50/50 Continues!
You can still buy tickets for the November Draw, which will take place on Saturday, December 2nd.  As with the October Draw, prices are $2 for 1, $5 for 3, and $10 for 7. 

Second Collection This Week
This Saturday, December 2nd is the first Saturday of the month. A second collection will be
taken up after communion for maintenance.

Next Year's Envelopes 
Starting this weekend, the 2024 sets of envelopes will be distributed in alphabetical order at the back of the church.  If you do not yet have a set and would like to start using the envelopes to make your regular contributions, please contact the Office. 

Office Hours
Regular Office Hours are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.
The office is closed on Wednesday.

Sanctuary Lamp
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20. 
For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal 
for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!