Thursday, June 30, 2022

Soul Health LXXXV


Soul Health LXXXV

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, we’re reminded that “the harvest is great but the laborers are few” – something that we, the English-speaking Roman Catholics of Verdun, know all too well.  There’s so much to do for our parish and for our community that we haven’t been able to accomplish yet, but we can change that if we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and willingly allow the Holy Spirit to guide us towards using our time, talents, and treasure to serve the Church.  

Our young friends from the CCO Mission group helped us break a lot of ground and sow new seeds of faith and hope in our parish; now, it's up to us to continue the work they helped us start.  

Summer is, historically speaking, a quiet time of year for our parish…but there are still ways you can participate in parish life!  Consider becoming a reader, taking a turn to do the collection, being trained to distribute Communion, buying flowers for the Sanctuary, or bringing up the gifts at Mass.  Small acts of giving like these are a great way to take the first small-but-brave steps towards becoming more involved in parish life and gaining more experience in ministry.    


Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, July 2 - July 8 
Saturday, July 2 - 4:00pm:  For the anniversary of Mr Babush Cardoz by Luisinha Carolina DeSouza & Family
Sunday, July 3 - 9:30am:  For All Parishioners
Tuesday, July 5:  Feast of St Anthony Zaccaria
Thursday, July 7:  Guy Smith by Caroline & Peter

New Mass Schedule in effect July 9
Starting next weekend, the Mass schedule will be:
- Saturday, 4:30pm
- Sunday, 8:30am (said Mass – no music)

Daily Mass continues in the Church!
Weekday Masses will continue being celebrated in the Church.  Going forward, we ask that attendees sit in the front center section of pews, as this helps build our sense of community and fellowship.

Remembering the Church during the summer months 
During the summer months, parish expenses are ongoing and we rely on our weekly offerings to meet them.  Our offerings this year have gone down substantially, so we’d like to remind all parishioners that even if you’re away during the summer you can still make your regular contributions by dropping them off at the rectory. Thank you for your continued support! 

We can’t do iced coffee…
…so Coffee Hour is suspended for the summer months, and we look forward to seeing you there again in the fall!  A big thank you to all our regular volunteers who, for the last few months, have contributed their time, baked goods, and cheerful spirits to Coffee Hour.  We couldn’t do it without you! 

Magnificat is in!
Subscribers to Magnificat will be able to pick up the July instalment at the back of the church this weekend.  Your copy will be indicated by a sticky with your name on it.

Franciscus venit!
Canada's Catholic Bishops welcome the announcement of Pope Francis' official itinerary for his visit to Canada July 24-29, the theme of which is "Walking Together."  Read more at

More information about the Papal Visit can be found at

The beauty of the family
Read highlights from Pope Francis’ homily at the Holy Mass for the 10th World Meeting of Families last week in Rome:

The dignity of human life
Get to the heart of the issue of the US Supreme Court’s recent rulings about Roe v. Wade with the Archbishop of Cincinnati:

Gain more insight on Medical Assistance in Dying (set out in Federal Bill C-7 and Quebec’s Bill 38) with the Catholic Register:

Catholic Summer Camps for Children, Youth, and Families!
- Diocesan Family Camp (families), July 17-23:
- DayLight Camp (ages 6-15), July 24-30:
- Youth in Action (ages 7-14), July 31-August 6:
- Visions Camp, August 7-13 (ages 14-17):


Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Soul Health LXXXIV

Soul Health LXXXIV

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

This Friday in Quebec, we celebrate the feast of John the Baptist – Patron Saint of the Province of Quebec and he who “was not the light but came as a witness, to bear witness to the light, so that through him everyone might believe.”

Looking back on the past month, during which we have been blessed with the presence of the CCO Missionaries accompanying us towards deeper relationships with God, can you identify a moment where someone else bearing witness to the light and love of Jesus illuminated your path?  What did that experience show you about how God wants you to serve and become a witness to him in your own unique way?

As we prepare for the summer ahead, we thank the CCO Missionaries for preparing the ground where we, the parishioners, will continue working so that our parish may bear more fruit for the Kingdom.  Please continue to pray for these young men and women not only as they journey back home this coming weekend, but for the rest of their lives as they too continue to grow in God’s love and continue to bring the Gospel to others in their lives.

End of the suspension of the Sunday Obligation
At the onset of the pandemic, Archbishop Lépine had issued a dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass, which has been in effect ever since. Now that the public health state of emergency has been lifted in Quebec,and in order to remove all doubt in the conscience of the faithful, please be advised that this dispensation is now cancelled.

Sunday Mass attendance in person is again a obligation of the faithful.

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, June 25 – July 1

Saturday, June 25:  Bill & Lillian Fitzgerald by Their Family
Sunday, June 26:  For All Parishioners
Tuesday, June 28:  Yvonne Whelton by Caroline and Peter
Thursday, June 30 – The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church: Anniversary of Patricia McSharry by Her Husband & Family

Daily Mass continues in the Church!
Following a unanimous vote at Thursday's Mass, weekday Masses will continue being celebrated in the Church.  Going forward, we ask that attendees sit in the front center section of pews, as this helps build our sense of community and fellowship.

Remembering the Church during the summer months 
During the summer months, parish expenses are ongoing and we rely on our weekly offerings to meet them.  Our offerings this year have gone down substantially, so we’d like to remind all parishioners that even if you’re away during the summer you can still make your regular contributions by dropping them off at the rectory. Thank you for your continued support! 

We can’t do iced coffee…
…so Coffee Hour is suspended for the summer months, and we look forward to seeing you there again in the fall!  A big thank you to all our regular volunteers who, for the last few months, have contributed their time, baked goods, and cheerful spirits to Coffee Hour.  We couldn’t do it without you! 

Magnificat is in!
Subscribers to Magnificat will be able to pick up their next instalment at the back of the church this weekend.  Your copy will be indicated by a sticky with your name on it.

When I was homeless, you opened your door
Fr Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar, has a special message for those who wish to help Ukrainian refugees locally.  Find out more at

Franciscus venit!
"For six days in July the most important thing happening in this country will be an old man confronting our history."  Find out why at

Heard it through The Grapevine
Did you know that the Office of English Pastoral Services has its own newsletter announcing activities and events throughout Montreal for the anglophone Catholic community?  Check out this week’s edition and subscribe at

Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+


Friday, June 17, 2022

Soul Health LXXXIII


Dear Parishioners and Friends,

As we prepare to follow the Holy Spirit in moving our parish forward, there may be times where the task of becoming a mission-oriented parish seems incredibly daunting or even impossible. Let’s not let fear hold us back!  Instead, let’s remember that what we put into our parish community in these early stages of progress will determine what fruits we will bear later on. 

By taking what was given to him wholeheartedly – five loaves and two fish – Jesus was able to feed a crowd of thousands with plenty left to spare and pass on.  He can do the same with what we offer at St Thomas More to nourish our souls and ease the hunger for the truth in Verdun – all we have to do is follow and trust him, giving all that we have with all our hearts to the mission he set for us.  

If you have heard the call to take on a more active role in bringing our parish into mission mode, we are looking to send 2 parishioners to the Divine Renovation Conference in Dallas, Texas, next month. This conference will help you prepare for effective action and give you the tools and insights necessary for success in a leadership role. Say yes to the Holy Spirit’s call and get in with Father Robert for more information!

End of the suspension of the Sunday Obligation
At the onset of the pandemic, Archbishop Lépine had issued a dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass, which has been in effect ever since. Now that the public health state of emergency has been lifted in Quebec, and in order to remove all doubt in the conscience of the faithful, please be advised that this dispensation is now cancelled.

Sunday Mass attendance in person is again a obligation of the faithful.

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, June 18-24
Saturday, June 18:  Deceased Members of the Moran & Gregory Family by Wally & Rose
Sunday, June 19 - Corpus Christi:  For All Parishioners, and for All Fathers Living & Deceased
Tuesday, June 21 - St Thomas More & St John Fisher: For All Deceased Pastors
Thursday, June 23 - Sacred Heart of Jesus:  John & Joan Purcell by their Estate

This weekend, we will be surveying all parishioners in attendance at the Saturday and Sunday Masses to switch to have only one weekend Mass. 

Our patronal feast day is on Tuesday, June 21! Mass will be celebrated for all the deceased pastors who have served our parish.  Come celebrate with us at Mass, and here's a brain tickler for you to ponder until then:  how many images of St Thomas More do you think we have in our parish (Hall and offices included)?

He's waiting for you at Summit!
Saturday, June 18 at St Willibrord's - doors open at 6:30pm

The CCO Missionaries who have been accompanying our parish this month will be hosting Summit - an evening of praise and worship, talks, and Eucharistic Adoration.  Fr Robert and a number of his brother priests will also be on hand to hear Confessions.  All parishioners are invited to attend Summit - it's a great opportunity to commit to Jesus and offer yourself up as we move forward together in faith and fellowship.

**Summit is not a Mass and attending this event does not fulfil your Sunday obligation**

When I was homeless, you opened your door
Fr Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar, has a special message for those who wish to help Ukrainian refugees locally.  Find out more at

Magnificat is in!
Subscribers to Magnificat will be able to pick up their next instalment at the back of the church this weekend.  Your copy will be indicated by a sticky with your name on it.

Franciscus venit!
"For six days in July the most important thing happening in this country will be an old man confronting our history."  Find out why at

Ahead of the Papal visit, there will be a mass at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral on Tuesday June 21 at 7:30pm in honour and celebration of National Aboriginal Day.

Summer Programs for Children and Youth
- Hosted by the Parish of Holy Name of Jesus in Laval, Camp Savio will have two sessions this summer for ages 6-12:

- Kinkora’s DayLight Camp will be up and running for ages 6-15:

Heard it through The Grapevine

Did you know that the Office of English Pastoral Services has its own newsletter announcing activities and events throughout Montreal for the anglophone Catholic community?  Check out this week’s edition and subscribe at



Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

Friday, June 10, 2022

Soul Health LXXXII

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Although we had a small turnout for last week’s Parishioners’ Meeting & Brunch, we nonetheless had a great conversation that brought us to recognize our parish is in significant decline and that in order to get out of it, we are called to become a mission parish which necessitates significant changes at Saint Thomas More.  

A huge thank you is in order for all the parishioners who came out for the meeting, especially the Parish Pancake Platoon who put on a delicious brunch for us. 

Special thanks goes out to the Visioning Team who planned the event and played a key role in helping us identify our parish’s need to look ahead with hope to a future where our parish is vibrant, engaged, and fulfilling its mission to make new disciples.

We are also looking to create a Leadership Team at our parish that meets regularly, so if you are interested in taking on an active role in leading the parish towards this future, please speak to Father Robert.  Two members of the Leadership Team will have the opportunity to go to Dallas, Texas in July for the Divine Renovation conference to get equipped with knowledge and skills necessary for success in their roles.  

End of the suspension of the Sunday Obligation
At the onset of the pandemic, Archbishop Lépine had issued a dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass, which has been in effect ever since. Now that the public health state of emergency has been lifted in Quebec, and in order to remove all doubt in the conscience of the faithful, please be advised that this dispensation is now cancelled.

Sunday Mass attendance in person is again a obligation of the faithful.


Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, June 11 – June 17
Saturday, June 11:  For All Parishioners
Sunday, June 12:  Joyce Lajeunesse by Alison
Tuesday, June 14:  Catherine Aumais by John & Janet Faherty
Thursday, June 16:  5th Wedding Anniversary of Pierre & Angela by Agnes 

Next weekend, we will be surveying all parishioners in attendance at the Saturday and Sunday Masses to help us determine the optimal time for Saint Thomas More to have one weekend Mass. 

Weekday Masses for the Month of June
Weekday Masses will take place in the church instead of the sacristy.  **Please sit only in the front section**

Your life CAN make a difference – Discover how with CCO!
You are invited to share your experiences of life and faith with the next generation of Verdun Catholics through Discovery.  We have two more weeks of small group discussions run by student missionaries from CCO, who are staying with the English Roman Catholic Parishes of Verdun this month.   

Discovery happens on Tuesday and Thursday nights at St Thomas More, 7-8:30pm until June 21.  There'll also be a special event for Discovery participants at the end of the series - we'll keep you posted! 

To get personally connected to the CCO Mission Team running Discovery, speak to any of the youth missionaries after Mass!
 They’re excited to meet you and these conversations will bring you even closer to Jesus and help you bring others to him! Your participation would be a great contribution to the life of the parish!


United with You in Prayer
Father Robert is renewing his prayer list.  You're invited to send him the first names (maximum 5) of your nearest and dearest who could use some extra prayers and spiritual support this month.  

Music on an early summer’s eve 
Join Fr Robert, fellow parishioners, and members of the Verdun community foran evening of music with Harmonie at Saint Thomas More tomorrow, Saturday, June 11 at 7:00pm.  
- Regular Admission:  $20
- Children 12 and under / adults 65 and over:  $10

Summer Programs for Children and Youth
- Hosted by the Parish of Holy Name of Jesus in Laval, Camp Savio will have two sessions this summer for ages 6-12:

- Kinkora’s DayLight Camp will be up and running for ages 6-15:

One Year Later:  The CCCB and the former Kamloops Residential School
On May 23, the CCCB released a statement on the one-year anniversary of the discoveries at the former Kamloops Residential School that rocked the nation and emphasized the need for reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples.  Read it at

Franciscus venit!
"For six days in July the most important thing happening in this country will be an old man confronting our history."  Find out why at

Ahead of the Papal visit, there will be a Mass at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral on Tuesday, June 21 at 7:30pm in honour and celebration of National Aboriginal Day.



Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+


Friday, June 3, 2022

Soul Health LXXXI


What kind of parish do you want to build?

Tell us at Pentecost during our first Parish Brunch!
Sunday, June 5th after the 9:30am Mass until 1:00pm
Join us for fellowship over a pancake brunch, and we'll discern as a community what kind of parish we are now, what kind of parish we want to be in the future, and what it'll take to get there!
**There will be no 4:00pm Mass this weekend on Saturday**


Dear Parishioners and Friends,

This weekend, the great feast of Pentecost marks the end of the 50-day Easter Season – but our spiritual journeys are far from over!  As Eastertide draws to a close and as we reflect on this Sunday’s Gospel readings, let us all continue to invite the Holy Spirit into our daily lives and let him guide us towards encounters with Christ, especially in this coming month of June as we welcome CCO Missionaries to the English Roman Catholic Parishes of Verdun!

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, June 4 - June 10
Saturday, June 4:  No Mass!  See you on Sunday at 9:30am!
Sunday, June 5:  Adolf Schweighart by Mrs Violet Huggins; For All Parishioners
Tuesday, June 7:  Fr George Oakes by His Friends 
Thursday, June 9:  Brian Foran by Ann Foran

Weekday Masses for the Month of June
For the next three weeks, the weekday Masses will take place in the churchinstead of the sacristy.  **Please sit only in the front section**

Your life CAN make a difference – Discover how with CCO!

You are invited to share your experiences of life and faith with the next generation of Verdun Catholics through Discovery - three weeks of small group discussions run by student missionaries from CCO, who are staying with the English Roman Catholic Parishes of Verdun this month.   

Discovery will run on Tuesday and Thursday nights at St Thomas More, 7-8:30pm starting Tuesday, June 7th.  There'll also be a special event for Discovery participants at the end of the series - we'll keep you posted! 

To get personally connected to the CCO Mission Team running Discovery, visit and fill out the e-form!  They’re excited to meet you and these conversations will bring you even closer to Jesus and help you bring others to him! Your participation would be a great contribution to the life of the parish!


United with You in Prayer
Father Robert is renewing his prayer list.  You're invited to send him the first names (maximum 5) of your nearest and dearest who could use some extra prayers and spiritual support this month.  

New Month, New Papal Intention!
Pope Francis’ intention for June 2022 is for families:  “We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love, and advance in holiness in their daily lives.”

Going Where the Spirit Sends Him:  Bishop Barron's New Appointment
Join us in prayer for Bishop Barron as he prepares to leave California to take up his new position as the ninth Bishop of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota.  Read his thoughts on his appointment here:

The Catholic Register:  Papal Visit a Wake-up Call for Canadians
"For six days in July the most important thing happening in this country will be an old man confronting our history."  Find out why at

One Year Later:  The CCCB and the former Kamloops Residential School
On May 23, the CCCB released a statement on the one-year anniversary of the discoveries at the former Kamloops Residential School that rocked the nation and emphasized the need for reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples.  Read it at

Update on Masking
As the province is no longer requiring masking indoors, it now becomes a personal choice to mask indoors.  We encourage all of you to continue acting with charity and compassion in order to protect our vulnerable parishioners, as you have done so far during the pandemic.

Individuals experiencing symptoms are strongly called upon to isolate themselves, to take a rapid test, and follow the instructions that apply in such cases.  


Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+