1- Parish Job Opening: We’re looking for a part-time Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) to work with families and our amazing catechists. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact the office or reply to this email.
2- Three Habits To Get The Most Out Of Lent -- a video from Bishop Barron about fruitful habits for Lent
3- Let’s get parishes re-opened: Your Voice Matters
Several groups expressed disapproval of the government’s position that gatherings are allowed in movie theatres up to a maximum of 250 people in the red zone, while gatherings in places of worship are limited to only 10 participants.
Our Archbishop Christian Lépine has published a clear message reminding us that spiritual needs are essential human needs, proposing setting the limit of participants at 30% of their usual capacity.
Make your voice heard on this issue:
A. By calling your Member of Parliament. Click for more information
B. By contacting the regional public health authority
C. By signing the petition "CHRISTIANS, as Easter saves us
4- Until then, the Parish is open:
a- For weekday Mass in Lent at 11am Tuesdays and Thursdays. Enter by the side Moffat St. door
b- For Confession and Communion: Saturdays and Sundays as posted on our website
Always by appointment with me here or on your doorstep
Online, for our livestreamed 11am Sunday mass with Spiritual Communion: Click Here
May your Lent be Fruitful and Joyous,
Father Robert+