Friday, January 27, 2023

Soul Health CXV


Soul Health CXV 


Dear Parishioners and Friends,

As St Paul writes in his letter to the Church this week, "Consider your own call...not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth."  Yet we have all been called to discipleship by God, who knows all of our weaknesses shortcomings and still calls us to do His Work anyway because it is through our flaws that His Perfect Love can be shown in the world.

To underscore this point, the Gospel this Sunday gives us the Beatitudes - a set of eight powerful statements focused on love, humility, and compassion taught by Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount.  

Picking up on the Old Testament's teachings on what constitutes a righteous and godly individual, the Beatitudes give us the New Testament's description of a disciple transformed by a personal relationship with God.  Such a transformation begins deep in the heart, with the acknowledgement of the disciple's own brokenness, sinfulness, and need for God; it then spreads outward as the disciple learns to recognize the needs of the world and the importance of meeting those needs with actions that imitate Jesus' mercy, peace, and gentleness.

Have you allowed this transformation to take place in your own heart and to continue growing outwards by following Jesus in wholehearted discipleship?  Or has complacency kept you standing still at the side of the road while Christ is passing by?
Come and See:  Joint Mass & Fellowship at St Willibrord's
Sunday, February 5th 2023
Mass at 10:30am followed by Coffee 

**No Masses at St Thomas More
Saturday February 4th & Sunday February 5th**

What does a parish on mission look like?
What happens on a normal Sunday in a parish that's committed to discipleship?
What difference can it make in your life to celebrate, worship, and pray in a community that's engaged in meaningful Christian fellowship?

Come and see at St Willibrord's on February 5th! 

 This is important enough for the future of our parish that a mini-bus has been arranged to help us all get there!  We will leave from the front stairs of the church at 10am, and return together after Coffee Hour.  To reserve a seat on the bus please call the parish office.

On Saturday, February 11th at 2:30pm we will meet again as a community in the Mary Room to then discern a future for our parish.

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, January 28 - February 5
Saturday, January 28:  Mrs Kay Cavanagh by Her Family 
Sunday, January 29: For All Parishioners 
Tuesday, January 31 (St John Bosco): Jimmy Whelton by Caroline & Peter 
Thursday, February 2 (The Presentaton of the Lord):  Hazel Boyce by Wally & Rose Gregory
Sunday, February 5 - 10:30am at St Willibrord: For All Parishioners of Saint Thomas More & St Willibrord

The Sanctuary Lamp
This week the Sanctuary Lamp is lit for Andy Thompson Sr by His Wife & Family 

Mother Teresa:  No Greater Love
This film is currently showing in English at Cinéma Guzzo Méga-Plex Sphèretech 14 (3500 Boulevard Cote Vertu Ouest, Saint-Laurent).  A detailed list of showtimes from this weekend up to February 2nd is available on and we encourage you all to encounter Jesus through the work of Mother Teresa on the big screen!  

A true saint of the 20th Century, Mother Teresa's work with the poorest and most vulnerable members of society was well-covered in mainstream media.  She was beatified in 2003 by Pope Saint John Paul II only 6 years after her death, and canonized in 2016 by Pope Francis. 

Featuring unprecedented access to institutional archives and the apostolates of the Missionaries of Charity, this documentary reveals how Mother Teresa's vision to serve Christ in the poor continues to be realized through the Missionaries of Charity today.  

Coffee Break Catechesis
In honour of the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul, which was this past Wednesday, enjoy a cuppa with Scott Hahn in this video about the Saint's journey from Persecutor to Apostle.

Spiritual Support for Separated or Divorced Persons
If you have been wounded in your experience of marriage, heal yourself and rebuild yourself in Christ through the welcoming and supportive community for separated and divorced persons led by Deacon Francis Joannette and his wife Jackie. 

Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

Friday, January 20, 2023

Soul Health CXIV 


Soul Health CXIV 


Dear Parishioners and Friends,

"The people of darkness have seen a great light," proclaims the prophet Isaiah in this Sunday's First Reading.  He's followed by the Psalmist who identifies that light as the Lord, and by St Paul who is swift to remind us that we should be united in the divine sacrifice of the Cross instead of taking sides in the human hierarchy the Church. 

Light and unity are woven into these readings as common threads, and we too are woven in with them. All of humanity is brought out of the darkness of sin by the light of Jesus Christ, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the infinite love of the Father.  Heaven isn't only a select few who decide to follow one leader instead of another.

Finally, we're also reminded is weekend that Kingdom is built up not only through our works alone, but rather our works offered up to the transformative power of God's love for all of us.  The longer version of the Gospel reading this weekend includes Matthew's account of Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John meeting Jesus and immediately deciding to follow him. 

By their example, we are reminded that is our response to His call that allows God to work in us and through us for the greater glory of the Kingdom.  Most of us may not be called to quit our jobs and leave our families to do God's work, but that only means our mission field is the familiar territory of our daily lives.  That's half the battle won -- winning the other half requires that we commit to building up our faith from something we do for an hour once a week into something we truly live as we go about our daily business.
Come and See:  Joint Mass & Fellowship at St Willibrord's
February 5th 2023
Mass at 10:30am followed by Coffee 

**No Masses at St Thomas More
Saturday February 4th & Sunday February 5th**

A Mini-bus will leave from the front stairs of the church at 10am to take us to St Willibrord and will return us back to St Thomas More.  To reserve a seat on the bus please call the parish office.

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, January 21-27
Saturday, January 21:  For All Parishioners
Sunday, January 22: Anniversary of Andrew Thompson Sr by His Wife & Family
Tuesday, January 24 (St Francis de Sales): Hazel Boyce by Eileen Ford
Thursday, January 26 (St Timothy & St Titus):  Anniversary of Peter McGlynn by His Family

The Sanctuary Lamp
This week the Sanctuary Lamp is lit for Deceased Members of the Gomez & Olaguera Families by Agnes Olaguera

Requiescat In Pace 
The funeral Mass for Julie Boulet will be held on Saturday, January 28th at 11:00am.

2023 Wardens
At last weekend’s Annual Meeting of Parishioners, Debbie Warren & Derek Mott were elected as Wardens.  Claudette Asselin & Raymond LaRouche were re-elected for a second term.  Along with Louise Dorais & Paul Lafontaine, they will be our Wardens for 2023. 

We thank all of these individuals for standing for election and agreeing to fill this vital role in our parish. 

Coffee Break Catechesis
Bishop Barron faces the challenge of growing the Church head-on and invites all Catholics to do the same through four realistic, accessible, and practical ways.

Add a bit of brightness to tax season
Parishioners wishing a receipt for income tax purposes are asked to fill out the card in their envelope sets or email the parish office with their name, address, postal code, and envelope number.  Receipts will be ready in a few weeks.

Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

Friday, January 13, 2023

Soul Health CXIII


Soul Health CXIII


Annual Parishioners' Meeting:
Saturday, January 14th, 2023 at 3pm in the Mary Room

If you are a frequent, regular mass attender, your participation is anticipated, as it is your commitment and input that will shape this critical discussion.

With the parish at a crossroads, the outcome of your participation may well determine the future of the parish.


Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Particularly keen readers using personal copies of the Sunday missals will notice that this weekend's Second Reading is, in fact, simply the opening of St Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians.  This is not a part of the epistle that contains direction, advice, or insight -- at least, not at first glance. 

As part of his greetings, St Paul addresses the Church in Corinth as "those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints."  In these words, the Apostle reminds us of both our Christian identity and our Christian vocation:  we are set apart for God and for holiness.  We are saved and made new by the sacrifice of Jesus, and our salvation and renewal are meant to be shared with others in daily, ordinary life. 

Reflecting on this, then, do our present lives align to this?  Does our practice of faith currently include sharing our faith, as well as our hope and love, with others as part of our regular day-to-day routine, or is it limited to our presence at Mass or any other time we may happen to be inside a church?  How might our lives and the lives of countless unknown others be changed if we truly embraced our call to the mission of building up the kingdom and making disciples not just of ourselves, but of all others?
Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, January 14-20
Saturday, January 14:  For All Parishioners
Sunday, January 15: Fr Ken Martin by the Estate
Tuesday, January 17: Carmel Goguen by Anne Foran 
Thursday, January 19:  Theresa Zizzi by Rose & Wally Gregory 

The Sanctuary Lamp
This week the Sanctuary Lamp is lit for Mr & Mrs Russell Biffin by Priscilla & Ken McGuire 

New Office Hours
Starting this week, the Parish Office will be closed on Wednesdays.  Regular office hours will be Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.

Magnificat Subscriptions for 2023
Parishioners who subscribe to the Magnificat are reminded that it is time to renew their subscription for $70.00, please contact the parish office.  We encourage our parishioners to take out a subscription which would begin in February of this wonderful publication which includes readings, reflections and prayers.

Add a bit of brightness to tax season
Parishioners wishing a receipt for income tax purposes are asked to fill out the card in their envelope sets or email the parish office with their name, address, postal code, and envelope number.  Receipts will be ready in a few weeks.

Increase your spiritual strength in 2023 with a daily dose of the Catechism
Following the huge success of "The Bible in a Year," Father Mike Schmitz is launching "The Catechism in a Year" in 2023.  With a new episode set to be released every day in 2023, this podcast is a deep dive into the the Catechism of the Catholic Church that complements the content of its predecessor. 

As Father Mike told Aleteia in a recent interview"The Bible in a Year was all about learning to see our lives through the lens of Scripture. With The Catechism in a Year, I hope that we will allow the truths of the Catholic faith to shape our lives. God’s story in our lives doesn’t end with the Bible, but God’s story continues with the Church, and the life of the Church."

Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

Friday, January 6, 2023

Soul Health CXII


Soul Health CXII


Annual Parishioners' Meeting:
Saturday, January 14th, 2023 at 3pm

If you are a frequent, regular mass attender, your participation is anticipated, as it is your commitment and input that will shape this critical discussion.

With the parish at a crossroads, the outcome of your participation may well determine the future of the parish and even whether we continue.


Dear Parishioners and Friends,

This weekend, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany.  Traditionally taking place twelve days after Christmas, Epiphany marks the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of the first stretch of Ordinary Time in the liturgical calendar.  This feast day even has a presence in popular secular culture:  it lends its name to Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night, and the twelve-day stretch from Christmas to Epiphany is the of origin the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” 

But why is this specific moment in Jesus’ early infancy, when “Three Wise Men came from country afar," so important as to merit its own feast day in the Church? 

Read More 

Christmas Tidings from Father Robert
In case you missed Father Robert's Christmas letter, you can read it here!

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, January 7-13
Saturday, January 7 (The Epiphany of the Lord):  For All Parishioners
Sunday, January 8 (The Epiphany of the Lord): For the Intentions of Doreen Zdyb by her Husband & Family
Tuesday, January 10: Hazel Boyce by Maureen Dearden
Thursday, January 12 (St Marguerite Bourgeoys):  Theresa Zizzi by Her Husband, Martino

The Sanctuary Lamp
This week the Sanctuary Lamp is lit for Brian Assaly by his mother, Gloria Assaly

Requiescat In Pace
There will be a Funeral Mass for Michael McSharry on Tuesday, January 10th  at 1:30pm.

New Office Hours
Starting this week, the Parish Office will be closed on Wednesdays.  Regular office hours will be Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.

Thank You from the St Vincent de Paul Society
Our Christmas Basket Campaign at Christmas was once again extremely successful.  May God bless all of you for your compassion and generosity which allowed fulfilling all Christmas Basket request.

We are extremely grateful to IGA Champagne and Marche Tondreau for their kindness towards the Christmas Baskets, and also LaSalle Comprehensive High School.

Thanks as well to all parishioners who brought presents to the crèche at Christmas.  St. Vincent de Paul Society will distribute them next year with the Christmas Baskets.

"Give something, however small, to the one in need.  For it is not small to one who has nothing.  Neither is it small to God, if we have given what we could." - St. Gregory Nazianzen

Magnificat Subscriptions for 2023
Parishioners who subscribe to the Magnificat are reminded that it is time to renew their subscription for $70.00, please contact the parish office.  We encourage our parishioners to take out a subscription which would begin in February of this wonderful publication which includes readings, reflections and prayers.

Add a bit of brightness to tax season
Parishioners wishing a receipt for income tax purposes are asked to fill out the card in their envelope sets or email the parish office with their name, address, postal code, and envelope number.  Receipts will be ready in a few weeks.

Increase your spiritual strength in 2023 with a daily dose of the Catechism
Following the huge success of "The Bible in a Year," Father Mike Schmitz is launching "The Catechism in a Year" in 2023.  With a new episode set to be released every day in 2023, this podcast is a deep dive into the the Catechism of the Catholic Church that complements the content of its predecessor. 

As Father Mike told Aleteia in a recent interview"The Bible in a Year was all about learning to see our lives through the lens of Scripture. With The Catechism in a Year, I hope that we will allow the truths of the Catholic faith to shape our lives. God’s story in our lives doesn’t end with the Bible, but God’s story continues with the Church, and the life of the Church."

Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+