Thursday, October 29, 2020

Soul Health XXI

Red Alert Extension implications

1- The Red Alert Extension until just before Advent means we must stay limited to 50 people at mass, using the Sacristy as overflow. However, effective immediately the Sunday afternoon mass (5pm) is eliminated. There is plenty of room at the other 3 masses, and in the Church particularly at the Saturday 5:15pm.

2- Confessions will be heard by appointment. Email me or call the parish phone.

3- This weekend, I will be offering a Triduum of masses for All Souls, with a sermon series at St. Willibrord’s or join us online live on Facebook:

- Saturday Mass for the departed: 7pm

- Sunday Solemnity of All Saints: 11am (same as St. T’s all 3 masses)

- Monday Commemoration of All Souls: 7pm. You may add names to the Book of Remembrance by emailing or calling the office.

4- Volunteer Readers and Collectors are still required for weekend masses. Several have not yet returned, so please consider offering yourself for this ministry. Contact the office.

5- We have received several free copies of Magnificat with the daily mass readings and reflections, articles and much more on spirituality.

I’m hoping enough of you, particularly those who used to buy Living with Christ, will be inspired to order an annual subscription ($72) through the parish so we can get the bulk discount. If you would like to test drive it, contact the office the a free (November edition).

Blessings in Christ,

Father Robert+

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