Thursday, March 4, 2021

Soul Health XXXII

- Parish Job Opening: We’re looking for a part-time Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) to work with families and our amazing catechists. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact the office or reply to this email.

- Take 1 minute to hear Pope Francis in his own words of his March prayer intention for you:

- In partial answer to that prayer intention, the parish will be specially open 10:15am - Noon and 3 - 4pm this Saturday, for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and quiet prayer.

I emphasize the importance for your well-being and peace of mind of receiving this Sacrament.

- If you are hesitant or uncertain, do not hesitate at least to call me.

- The Sacrament is always also available by appointment with me.

- Two issues concerning which we are being called to demonstrate our faith in action: 

a - Bishop Alain is asking you to “make your voice heard … proposing that the limit of participants at a celebration be set at 30% of the usual capacity of the given place of worship:”

b - The federal government’s extreme push regarding euthanasia: 


- Until the government becomes reasonable, see our current Parish opening times above

- And join Online, for our livestreamed 11am Sunday mass with Spiritual Communion: Click Here

- Worthwhile Lenten opportunities and other information are found in: 

the Grapevine newsletter

and on the Diocesan website:

May your Lent be Fruitful and Joyous,

Father Robert+

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