Friday, April 29, 2022

Soul Health LXXVI

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Starting next Sunday and continuing throughout the Easter Season, Father Robert will be doing a Sermon Series on the topic of Discipleship. This month's hymn selections will also pick up on this theme, and you are encouraged to sing along! More so than singing, though, you are also encouraged to intentionally reflect on all that you hear through the homilies and hymns this month, and to listen intently for God's call to you.

As we progress through Eastertide towards Pentecost, consider the ways in which your spiritual growth can help our parish bear more fruit. After all, ours is a Living Faith – imagine what our parish could look like if we took that to heart and brought it into all we do here!


Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, April 30 to May 7:

Saturday, April 30: Gaetan Berube by Maureen Dearden

Sunday, May 1st: For All Parishioners, followed by Coffee Hour in the Hall

Tuesday, May 3rd: Anniversary of Kenneth Warren by Bill & Denise

Thursday, May 5th: For the intentions of Jasper Corcoran by His Parents


Calling All Parish Youth!

The Montreal Catholic Challenge Movement is coming to Verdun next weekend! Fr. Robert encourages others to join some of our parish young people taking up this great opportunity. Speak to him for more info!

You can also earn more about Challenge and register for the retreat at


Father Stu packs a cinematic and spiritual punch

Mark Wahlberg’s latest movie, Father Stu, is now in theatres! With a 95% audience rating, the true story of boxer-turned-priest Father Stuart Long is a powerful film of providence and redemption. You are invited to join Fr. Robert and Nancy and friends this Sunday at 4:30pm downtown for the movie followed by dinner out afterwards. Please speak to them for details by calling the Saint Thomas More parish office (514-768-4741).

Bishop Robert Barron also sat down with Mark Wahlberg to discuss the film, and you can join the conversation at!

"Wash your sins, not just your face"…

…is the translation of a quirky Greek inscription on a holy water font outside the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (see below)! Blessing yourself with holy water upon entering and exiting a church is an old tradition in our faith, and it’s finally returned to our parish. Holy water is available at all the church entrances. If you’d like to have holy water at home, you can fill a small container from the metal holy water font by the doors heading down to the Hall.

There’s nothing like a mother’s love…

…so honor yours on Sunday, May 8th! As is our tradition, we will remember all our mothers, living and deceased, at the 9:30am Mass. Those who wish to make a special donation in honor of their mothers can use the white envelopes available at the back of the church – please write your envelope number or name on yours, and drop it in the regular collection on May 8th.

Praying for you!

Fr Robert is renewing his prayer list! Parishioners are invited to send the first names of up to six of their nearest and dearest to have them added to Fr Robert’s daily prayers. Lists can be sent to Fr Robert or to the parish office.


The Life’s Work of the First Millennial Saint is coming to Montreal!

Blessed Carlo Acutis’ Exhibition: The Eucharistic Miracles of the World

April 25 – May 13 at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral

Blessed Carlo Acutis (May 3rd 1991 – October 12th 2006) was an amateur programmer best known for documenting Eucharistic miracles on his website before his death from leukemia. Beatified in October 2020, he is the first person of the Millennial generation to be on the path to Sainthood, and is the patron of programmers and youth. The travelling exhibition of his life’s work - which will be of particular interest to youth! - will be on display at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral from April 25 to May 13, with opportunities for guided tours and presentations as well as a special Mass to venerate Blessed Carlo’s relic. For more information, visit

Joyful noise for a good cause: L’Air du Temps, a Cathedral Concert featuring Gregory Charles OC

Saturday, May 28th at 7:30pm ($50) – Mary Queen of the World Cathedral

Known for his stage presence, energy, creativity, and dedication to Canada’s performing arts and culture, musician Gregory Charles lends his talents to the Permanent Diaconite of Montreal with this benefit concert. For more information visit


Yours in Christ,

Father Robert Assaly+

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