Friday, May 20, 2022

Soul Health LXXIX


Dear Parishioners and Friends,

The First Communions of the children of the English Roman Catholic Parishes of Verdun this weekend provides us all with an opportunity to unite in prayer with them, as well as to reflect on our own journeys since making our own First Communions.  How has the Eucharist already changed our lives?  Might we even dare to consider surrendering ourselves entirely to Jesus through the gift of his Body and Blood, so that he may well and truly dwell in us, and wholeheartedly live as his disciples?

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, May 14 to May 20

Saturday, May 21:  Colleen Gelinas by Maureen Dearden
Sunday, May 22:  For All Parishioners
Tuesday, May 24:  Fr James Morro by Trish
Thursday, May 26:   Msgr Gerald & Fr Peter McGlynn by Their Family

Sunday, May 29:  No Masses at St Thomas More and St Willibrord 
Saturday, June 4:  No Mass at St Thomas More 

Upcoming Special Weekend Masses!

First Communions **This Sunday** May 22 - 9:30am

For this year's First Communion class, the journey towards making this Sacrament began in the midst of the pandemic - but the faith and support of their families, our Catechist Team, and the parishes of St Thomas More and St Willibrord have helped these children grow in Christ and prepare to receive the Eucharist. 
Pray for: Santo, Rocco, Luca, Isla, Liam, Lucas, Matteo, Cristian 

Consider making this special Mass your Sunday Mass this weekend – families from both St Thomas More and St Willibrord have children in this program, and your continued support of their journey in Christ is most welcome and greatly appreciated! 

Our Chief Pastor is coming! 
On Saturday, May 28th at 4:00pm Archbishop Christian Lépine will celebrate Mass at St Thomas More and the Sacrament of Confirmation, followed by a wine and cheese reception in the Hall until 6:00pm.  Let’s join together for this wonderful and unique occasion!
Please keep our Confirmation candidates, who come from both St Thomas More and St Willibrod, in your prayers this week! 

Pray for the children from our Family Faith Formation program:  Zoe, David, Noah, Emma, Bethany, Ryan, Alessia, Alex, Adrielle, and Adrienne

Pray for the two adults from our Adult Faith Formation program:  Gaël and Sergio.

Helping hands are needed for the Reception - please speak to Debbie Warren or call the parish office to offer your services!

**There will be no 9:30am Mass at St Thomas More and no 11:15am Mass at St Willibrord on Sunday, May 29**


What kind of parish do you want to build?  Tell us at Pentecost during our first Parish Brunch!
On Sunday, June 5th we will have a Parish Meeting  following the 9:30am Mass to bring us  together to discern and make key decisions as a community not only as to what kind of parish we are now,  but also what kind of parish we want to be in the future.  This will include fellowship over brunch, and will end by 1pm.  
Helping hands are needed to make sure we all get fed – please contact Angela (  to sign up for the Pentecost Pancake Platoon!
**There will be no 4:00PM Mass on Saturday, June 4th**

Your life CAN make a difference – Discover how with CCO!
This June, share your experiences of life and faith with the next generation of Verdun Catholics through Discovery - three weeks of small group discussions run by student leaders from across the country.   They’re excited to meet you and these conversations will bring you even closer to Jesus and help you bring others to him! 

To get personally connected to the CCO Mission Team running Discovery, visit and fill out the e-form!

Let all the nations praise him in their own languages!
If you speak another language apart from English and French, we'd love to have you read a small part of the Pentecost Readings in that language!  Don't be shy - speak to Fr Robert or call the parish office!

Jump back into The Chosen!
Information, including how to register:
Fr Raymond Lafontaine, known for his unique insights into film and television, returns on May 18th with the next instalment of his exploration of The Chosen. Journey with Catholics all over the Archdiocese to discover how the First Disciples can inspire change and reignite your faith!

Joyful noise for a good cause:  L’Air du Temps, a Cathedral Concert featuring Gregory Charles OC
Saturday, May 28th at 7:30pm ($50) – Mary Queen of the World Cathedral
Known for his stage presence, energy, creativity, and dedication to Canada’s performing arts and culture, musician Gregory Charles lends his talents to the Permanent Diaconite of Montreal with this benefit concert.  For more information visit

Update on Masking
As the province is no longer requiring masking indoors, it now becomes a personal choice to mask indoors.  We encourage all of you to continue acting with charity and compassion in order to protect our vulnerable parishioners, as you have done so far during the pandemic.

Individuals experiencing symptoms are strongly called upon to isolate themselves, to take a rapid test, and follow the instructions that apply in such cases.  


Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

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