Friday, October 27, 2023



A Message from the Wardens
Originally announced in person on Saturday, October 21st 2023
On October 14th 2023, we asked for your input on the question of the future of St Thomas More.  The unanimous recommendation of the Wardens to proceed with the closure of our Fabrique and joining the parish of St. Willibrord did not receive majority support from the voting parishioners.  
The results were as follows:
Those within the territory -- Yes: 11, No: 21 
Those outside the territory  -- Yes: 10; No: 13 

As a result of the vote, you have voiced your opinion and have stated clearly to the Fabrique of St. Thomas More that you do not recommend that the parish of St. Thomas More be closed.
Our proposed position was not made lightly and has been an extremely difficult and emotionally painful conclusion to make. It came after months of prayer, due diligence, and review. We have spent countless hours studying the realities of our situation as a Parish in the Archdiocese of Montreal and examining our financial condition, and knowing that at the start of 2023 it was the unanimous belief of Parishioners that currently, as a church, we would be best served by one English Catholic parish in Verdun. 
The rejection of our recommendation clearly states that, as Wardens, we do not have the confidence of the majority of St. Thomas More Parishioners. Respectfully, none of the current wardens will be standing for re-election or continuing our present terms beyond December 31, 2023 in order to allow the Parishioners to elect new Wardens who can undertake the mandate and responsibilities expected of the majority of Parishioners of St. Thomas More.
As you consider the candidates for our replacement, we would like to direct attention to the 2024 budget that has been submitted to the Archdiocese. St. Thomas More will run an annual deficit, estimated to be $48,000 for the upcoming year which, in real terms, means that we will exhaust all cash reserves before the end of 2024. Even more concerning is the fact that this forecast does not include the immediate roof repair of $300,000, the front steps repairs of $50,000, and the recently discovered window problem which has an initial estimated repair cost of $8-10,000.

It is our true belief that we have laid out a clear and detailed picture of the Parish and that this message has either been rejected or not fully understood, but the majority have spoken. As a Parish we see the results of the vote moving St. Thomas More from a questionable future, with an opportunity to be part of a single, dynamic English parish in Verdun, to a radically unstable and potentially unattainable position into 2024. The questions that many may be asking are: where do we go from here, and what do we do when the money runs out in 2024? We do not have answers to these questions as they are now the immediate concerns of the new wardens that will be elected in December.
Reflect on this message, there is still time to alter the course that we have placed this parish on.  Unfortunately, time and money are running out.
Thank you for you attention.
The Fabrique of St Thomas More

Mass Schedule & Intentions

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, October 28th 2023
Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Nudo by Their Family

A warm welcome and many thanks to Father Lou Cerulli
for celebrating Mass this weekend!

Sanctuary Lamp
Our Sanctuary Lamp this week is burning for 
Gilles Daoust by His Wife, Betty 


In November, we remember
During the month of November we will have a Book of Remembrance to help us remember our deceased loved ones as a community.  Sheets will be provided at the back of the church this weekend if you would like to have the names of your deceased family members and friends included. 

Verdun Branch #4 of the Canadian Legion has also left boxes of poppies for Remembrance Day, November 11th.  Please take a poppy and leave a small donation.

Second Collection
Next Saturday, November 4th, there will be a second collection after Communion for maintenance.

50/50 Continues!
You can still buy tickets for the October Draw before Mass this Saturday, October 28th!  The October Draw will take place after Mass.

Tickets for the November Draw will be on sale starting November 4th.  As with the October Draw, prices are $2 for 1, $5 for 3, and $10 for 7. 


Office Hours
Regular Office Hours are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm.
The office is closed on Wednesday.

Sanctuary Lamp
Every week, the candle above the tabernacle is lit, and can be lit in memory of a loved one or for special intentions for a suggested offering of $20. 
For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

What's up in the Archdiocese?
Sign up for the Newsletter of the Catholic Church of Montreal 
for all the latest news from the Archdiocese!

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