Friday, June 14, 2024




11th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Saturday, June 15th 2024 - 4:30pm
Deceased Members of the Moran & Gregory Family by Wally & Rose

This week our Sanctuary Lamp is burning for
Bill & Peggy Rowe and Elaine Rowe Burles by the Rowe Family

We're Turning 80!
On Saturday, June 15th there will be a special Mass to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of our parish and also our patron saint, St. Thomas More. A reception will follow with a talk on the history of the parish and with photo illustrations, and all parishioners are welcome to enjoy light refreshments from the buffet at the back of the church.
Requiescat In Pace 
There will be a funeral for Johanne Davidson on Saturday, June 15th at 11:00am.
Father's Day
Once again this year we will remember all our Fathers, living and deceased, at the 4:30pm Mass.

Envelopes will be available on the shelves at the back of the church next Saturday or you can use the envelope in your collection envelope set for your donation towards the Mass.  Please put your envelope in the regular collection on Saturday June 15th .

Receipts & Expenses - May 2024
Receipts: $7,300.24 (Includes $500 from Notre Dame de la Garde and the Garage Sale proceeds of $1169.80)
Disbursements: $8,721.80 

The deficit for the month was: $1,421.56


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