Thursday, August 5, 2021

Soul Health XXXXVIII

The Eucharist? Mass? Holy Communion?

Once again this weekend the Gospel is from John 6 -- “The Bread of Life” discourse. Come to understand The Eucharist, as we continue with the 3rd of our 4-part sermon series on The Eucharist. You might read John 6 (10 minutes) prior to each Mass to best prepare. You can watch the previous two at:

- July 25, beginning at 14:30

- August 1, beginning at 16:30

Wonderful Interruption of the Series!

The weekend after this, the sermon series will be wonderfully interrupted! The Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady, 15 August, falls on a Sunday this year. The subsequent week concludes The Bread of Life series.

Upcoming Funerals

On Friday 13 August at 12:30pm for Adolf Schweighart; visitation at 11:30am

On Saturday 21 August at 11:30am for Maureen Neville; visitation at 10:30am

Summer greetings from The Pillars Trust...

...which has tangibly supported our parish. Past President Michael Kieran sits down for a 5-minute interview with new President Megan Marinos. Together they chat about the history of Pillars and our vision going forward:


1- Sign up for a free virtual conference August 12-15 for catechists, but also for parents and anyone interested in transmitting the faith.

2- We are still working out details of autumn programming; we will continue to offer Sycamore and Family Faith Formation. Your thoughts are most welcome.

3- Check out the Grapevine newsletter summer edition

4- Your generosity continues to abound: despite the pandemic, your offerings came within 2% ($600) of the projected budget for the first 1/2 of 2021. Please keep up your givings during the summer so we don't fall behind.

May the rest of your summer be Blessed in Christ,

Father Robert+

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