Thursday, July 21, 2022

Soul Health LXXXVI


Soul Health LXXXVI

A Special **Zoom** Event with Fr Robert for the Papal Visit
Friday, July 22nd @ 7:30pm via this link:

Join Father Robert on Zoom this Friday evening to respond to Pope Francis’ request for the prayers of Catholics worldwide to accompany him on his “pilgrimage of penitence“ and reconciliation with our Indigenous sisters and brothers.  There will be an opening reflection by Father Robert on the Papal visit followed by the Rosary.

***Prayer cards for the Papal Visit are available in the church this weekend for free so you can pray at home and share the Pope’s intentions with your nearest and dearest***

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

This Sunday’s Gospel Acclamation tells us, “You have received a Spirit of adoption, in whom we cry, Abba, Father!”

We often refer to our fellow Christians as our sisters and brothers in Christ, and extend this signifier of fraternity beyond Christianity towards the greater “human family,” but we know all too well that throughout history, humanity has not always taken this sense of kinship to heart.  Last summer’s discoveries at sites of former residential schools – the numbers of which are still growing as ongoing investigations continue – forced our nation to face its history in order to make true and meaningful progress in repairing its broken relationship with the Indigenous peoples of Canada.

Solidarity and reconciliation take centre stage this upcoming week in Canada with the arrival of Pope Francis this Sunday.  On this visit, he’ll have a “unique opportunity…to listen and dialogue with Indigenous peoples, to express his heartfelt closeness and to address the impact of colonization and the participation of the Catholic Church in the operation of residential schools throughout Canada.”

 We have a unique opportunity to learn as well, and to follow the example of charity and openness that the Pope puts before us with this visit.  Let’s all take the first steps towards reconciliation this week, and continue walking together.

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, July 23-July 29
Saturday, July 23 (4:30pm):  For All Parishioners
Sunday, July 24 (8:30am):  Lorraine Gaudreau by Paul Moreau
Tuesday, July 26:  Anniversary of John (Bud) Gallie by his sister Maureen
Thursday, July 28:  In thanksgiving, by Caroline Landry

Extra intentions this week offered in private Masses:
- Mr. & Mrs. John Purcell by Their Estate
- Deceased Members of The Gallagher & Purcell Family by the Estate

Read up on Divine Renovation
If you're interested in how our parish can move from maintenance towards mission and what that kind journey can look like, copies of the Divine Renovation handbook are available as loans from the parish.  Please contact Angela for more information!

Franciscus venit!
The Pope’s visit begins this weekend and you're invited to pray for the fruitfulness of this important event in Church and Canadian history!  Prayer cards for the Papal Visit, courtesy of Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle, are available at the parish.  If you're paperless or want to share the prayer card online, an electronic copy of the card can be found at
More information about the Papal Visit can be found at

“I have both of these worlds that have come together” 
"When Vatican officials were looking for someone in Canada to act as a liaison for program planning during the Pope's visit later this month, they had specific criteria.  Ideally, the person would have Indigenous heritage, have a connection to the residential school system and speak Italian.  This left them with one name: Cristino Bouvette.  The 36-year-old Roman Catholic priest from Calgary is Italian through his mother and Cree and Métis through his father. His kokum, or grandmother, was a residential school survivor.”

Read more about the national liturgical director for the papal visit at

Take action!
Are you wondering what concrete steps can Canadian Catholics take to demonstrate real support and solidarity for our Indigenous sisters and brothers?  Catholics for Truth & Reconciliation has some answers!  Check out for ways that you can take a stand.

Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

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