Friday, November 4, 2022

Soul Health CIII

Soul Health CIII

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

In this week's First Reading, we are introduced to a family that is systematically tortured and put to death for their faith - heavy stuff, indeed, and also thought-provoking.  After all, we might ask ourselves if our own faith could possibly be that strong, and we might even wonder if what we believe in is worth giving up our lives to defend.  

We can start exploring answers to those questions by diving into this week's Second Reading, wherein St Paul gives us a more complete picture of our faith as Christians.  He reminds us that our comfort, strength, and hope are rooted in God, fed by His grace and love, and shared through our mission to bring the Gospel to all.  

As followers of Jesus Christ, the ultimate prize of our lives is the Resurrection.  When we make earnest efforts to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, we become better equipped to keep our eyes on the prize and to become life-giving to others.  Strong faith allows us to stand up to those who challenge us, empowers us to win hearts for Jesus Christ, and drives us to follow God's will all the way to our heavenly home.

The bottom line is, we may not be called to a bloody martyrdom -- but we are still called to give our lives to God and be life-giving to others through our faith, hope, and love. 

So, are you ready to lead a life that brings you closer to God?  Is your gaze set upon the ultimate prize of the Resurrection? Then what are you waiting for?  It's time to go!

Deacon Bernie is recovering in hospital but is greatly fatigued after successful open heart surgery.  He appreciates your continued prayers.


**The clocks fall back 1 hour at 2am on November 6!**
Gain an extra hour of sleep, and come to Mass
even more refreshed than usual! 

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, November 5 - 11
Saturday, November 5:  For All Parishioners 
Sunday, November 6: Anniversary of Pauline Boudreau by Her Husband & Family
Tuesday, November 8:  Lynn Arsenault by Maureen Dearden
Thursday, November 10:  For the Intentions of Agnes Olaguera by Her Family 

The Sanctuary Lamp
This week the Sanctuary Lamp is lit for Barbara Ann Burns by Wally & Rose Gregory 

As our Mass intentions are booked far in advance, the Sanctuary Lamp can be lit in memory of your loved ones or for intentions.  The candle is lit for the week for a suggested offering of $20.00.  For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.


50/50 Returns to St Thomas More!
Congratulations and thanks to Denise Poirier, who won the October Draw and donated her winnings to the church!

We thank everyone who participated in the draw as well! 

The 50/50 fun continues this month, and tickets for the November Draw are now on sale for another chance to win: 

  • Ticket Prices:  $2.00 each, 3 for $5.00 and 7 for $10.00. 
  • Ticket Sales:  After all weekend Masses

Contribute Canned Goods for Christmas Baskets!
The Annual Canned Goods Collection to be used in the Christmas Baskets will begin the weekend of November 12-13 and continue until December 17-18.  We invite you to make contributions of canned goods and non-perishable food items, and we especially need the appropriate foods associated with meals during the Christmas Season (example: canned fruits and puddings, cookies and treats for children). 

Parishioners wishing to make a monetary donation towards the meat and perishable items are asked to place their offering in the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes on the walls at the back of the church.

Coffee Break Catechesis

Father Mike Schmitz: A Pep Talk for All Saints

This past week, we celebrated the great Solemnity of All Saints.  What's so important about this feast day, and what does the Iron Man Triathlon have to do with it?  Father Mike from Ascension Presents can answer that over a cup of coffee, so grab yours and enjoy this week's video! 

Beyond Verdun
  • New Month, New Intention!
    The Papal Intention for the month of November 2022 is for children who suffer:  "We pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are homeless, orphans, and victims of war; may they be guaranteed access to education and the opportunity to experience family affection."
  • The Journey with The Chosen continues!
    See Jesus in a new light, through The Chosen’s fresh look at the Gospel. Consider the challenges of living as a chosen disciple right here and now. How can we create a church which goes out to “the peripheries”, encountering Jesus in all our brothers and sisters, in all God’s creation?

    When: Friday November 4, 11,18, and 25th at 7:00pm, led by Fr. Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar.  To register please email at or click here.
  • Spiritual Support for Separated or Divorced Persons
    A path of healing and reconciliation for those who want to rebuild themselves in Christ. Free, online sessions, starting Saturday, November 5.   Click here for more information and to register.

Put Your Faith, Hope, and Love into Action!

  • The Indigenous Reconciliation Fund
    • The Indigenous Reconciliation Fund was established to accept donations from 73 Catholic entities across the country, and to advance healing and reconciliation initiatives.  It seeks to support projects that are determined locally, in collaboration with First Nations, Métis and Inuit partners.  Learn more and support this Catholic commitment to healing and reconciliation at
  • CAPP-Canada
    • CAPP was founded by Pope St. John Paul II to advance the principles of the social doctrine of the Church: the dignity of the human person, solidarity and subsidiarity.  Learn more at and watch the replay of September's virtual launch of CAPP-Canada at
  • Catholic Action Montreal
    • Motivated by our faith, Catholic Action Montreal empowers its community through a network of gifted individuals, partners, and organizations, enabling them to respond to an expressed need, resulting in profound changes in the community.  Learn more and get involved at

Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+


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