Friday, November 25, 2022

Soul Health CVI


Soul Health CVI

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

This weekend, we begin the new Liturgical Year and enter the season of Advent.  This season of preparation has us looking forward to the coming of the Lord, and looking inward at our own hearts to make sure we are ready to receive him.  As the candles of the Advent wreath remind us, it’s a time for us to renew (or perhaps even rediscover) our hope, faith, joy, and peace by reorienting our hearts towards Jesus.  

St Paul tells us this weekend to “lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light…put on the Lord Jesus Christ.”  Before we’re tempted to say we don’t participate in works of darkness, that phrasing doesn’t necessarily mean just evil deeds.  It can also be applied to whatever pulls us away from God – in other words, any sin, great or small.

Furthermore, the Gospel this weekend underscores the importance of being prepared and ready to receive the Lord.  We have no idea when he will come again, but we do know that he will.  Thus, the preparations we make during Advent not only help us commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ:  they also serve as a reminder for us to use our whole lives to prepare for his coming at the end of time. 

This Advent, let’s make a conscious and valiant effort as a community to raise each other up in prayer, and to support those around us in need.  Let’s cast aside our works of darkness by opening up to the Lord about our shortcomings and weaknesses in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and nourishing our souls through the Eucharist and through prayer.  And let’s allow hope, faith, joy, and peace light the path that brings us closer to God as we prepare not just for this Christmas, but for His eternal kingdom.

Deacon Bernie remains in recovery at the hospital, and wants to let you know says that your prayers mean a lot to him and are helping.  He is growing in faith, perhaps more than in strength.

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions,
November 26 - December 2
Saturday, November 26:  Anniversary of Yvette Boutet by Her Family 
Sunday, November 27: For All Parishioners
Tuesday, November 29:  Anniversary of Fr. George Oakes
Thursday, December 1:  Patrick Speer by His Family

St. Willibrord Parish has a morning Mass on Wednesday at 9am with availability for intentions.  St Thomas More Parishioners wishing to book this particular Mass may call the St. Willibrord Office at 514-769-9678. 

The Sanctuary Lamp
Deceased Members of the Moran & Gregory Families by Wally & Rose

As our Mass intentions are booked far in advance, the Sanctuary Lamp can be lit in memory of your loved ones or for intentions.  The candle is lit for the week for a suggested offering of $20.00.  For more information and to book a specific week please contact the office.

The Book of Remembrance 
Our Book of Remembrance has been on display this month and will remain on the ambo on the organ side of the church until Tuesday's memorial Mass for Father George.

Support one of our parish's oldest traditions: The St Thomas More Christmas Baskets
For over 50 years, our parish has supported families in need in our community through Christmas Baskets.  This year, Trish (who has been leading the project for 30 years!) projects that over 40 families will benefit from our efforts. 

The Annual Canned Goods Collection used to fill the Christmas Baskets is now underway, and continues until the weekend of December 17-18!

We invite you to make contributions of canned goods and non-perishable food items, and we especially need the appropriate foods associated with meals during the Christmas Season (example: canned fruits and puddings, cookies and treats for children). 

Parishioners wishing to make a monetary donation towards the meat and perishable items are asked to place their offering in the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes on the walls at the back of the church.

50/50 Fun Continues!

  • November Draw:  Saturday, November 26th after the 4:30pm Mass 
  • There will be no draw in December!
A Special Invitation to Young Families
Family Faith Formation invites you to its first Activity Day of the new Liturgical Year at Saint Willibrord's Parish on Sunday, November 27th.  Join us at the 10:30am Mass followed by coffee and snacks, and then in the Bistro for our annual wreath-making Gathering and other fun, festive activities! Let us know you're coming by emailing Angela at  

Envelopes for 2023
The 2023 sets of Church Offering Envelopes will be available beginning next weekend.  Envelopes are in alphabetical order.

Parishioners who had a number between 102-110 have been assigned a new number.  

Parishioners wishing to use envelopes for the first time may pick up a set this weekend on the table marked M-Z.  Please leave your name, address and phone number on the sheet of paper next to the number you take.

Sunday Missals for Year A now available
 We have some copies of the Living with Christ Sunday Missals which are available on the shelves at the back of the church.  The cost is $7.00.
December Magnificat is in!
Parishioners who subscribe to the Magnificat may pick up their December Issue on the shelves at the back of the church.
St Willibrord:  The Christmas Baskets Project
The Christmas Baskets Project at St. Willibrord’s Parish is a 100% volunteer-powered mobilization that helps provide food and Christmas cheer to 200 families in Verdun.  

Financial contributions to the Christmas Baskets Project can be made online.  You can also contact to receive a needs list of non-perishable food items and toys, and also to learn more about how you can get involved as a volunteer on drop-in weekends, packing day, and delivery day! 

Coffee Break Catechesis
God is inviting you on pilgrimage this Advent - Father John Toups has the scoop on the Advent journey through the readings of Year A! 

Beyond Verdun
  • "The Heart Needs Light!" - Mini-retreat for separated or divorced persons
    How do we find our bearings when the hope for our marriage is broken? What is the meaning of our vocation? 

    Once again, we are privileged to offer those who were wounded in their sacrament of marriage a time of recollection.  On December 3, Archbishop Christian Lépine will lead a mini-retreat for separated or divorced persons, in the afternoon for anglophones.

    Saturday, December 3, 2022, from 2pm to 5pm
    Free - Limited number of places!
    Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral (Bonaventure metro station)
    For details and registration (before November 30), please click here.

Put Your Faith, Hope, and Love into Action!
  • The Indigenous Reconciliation Fund
    • The Indigenous Reconciliation Fund was established to accept donations from 73 Catholic entities across the country, and to advance healing and reconciliation initiatives.  It seeks to support projects that are determined locally, in collaboration with First Nations, Métis and Inuit partners.  Learn more and support this Catholic commitment to healing and reconciliation at
  • CAPP-Canada
    • CAPP was founded by Pope St. John Paul II to advance the principles of the social doctrine of the Church: the dignity of the human person, solidarity and subsidiarity.  Learn more at and watch the replay of September's virtual launch of CAPP-Canada at
  • Catholic Action Montreal
    • Motivated by our faith, Catholic Action Montreal empowers its community through a network of gifted individuals, partners, and organizations, enabling them to respond to an expressed need, resulting in profound changes in the community.  Learn more and get involved at

Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

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