Daylight Savings - Clocks fall back 1 hour on Sunday, November 7th!
The Annual Meeting of Parishioners
Sunday, November 14th after the 9:30am Mass
We would like most of you to come, as we have two main tasks to accomplish as a parish community:
- Discussing the future directions of our parish, which will be shaped by your input
- Electing 3 new Wardens, whose efforts in managing parish funds and maintaining facilities will help keep our parish going in the right direction
Snacks and beverages will be provided!
What does a Warden do?
The Parish Wardens meet every few weeks to discuss practical matters related to managing parish finances as well as the use and upkeep of parish buildings. Their role is vital in making sure our funds and facilities are used in ways that contribute to the growth and well-being of our parish.
How is a Warden chosen?
Wardens are elected to their position at the Annual Meeting of Parishioners. Nominations can be submitted to the parish office prior to the meeting, or from the floor during the meeting.
If you live in Verdun west of Desmarchais and would like to contribute your time, knowledge, and skills to the parish, please consider standing for election. For more information, please connect with Father Robert by email or by calling the parish office.
November 6th - 7th, 2021
A Second Collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend for maintenance. Please use the blue envelopes if you would like to contribute.
November 11th, 2021
Remembrance Day Mass, 10:55am at Saint Willibrord (351 rue Willibrord)
A special joint Mass will be celebrated for Remembrance Day, and parishioners from both Saint Willibrord and Saint Thomas More are invited to attend. We will commemorate our faithful departed whose love for our country helped them make, undaunted, the greatest sacrifice of their lives for the freedom we live in today. Beverages and snacks will be served afterwards.
There will not be a weekday mass at Saint Thomas More on this day.
The White Poppy Campaign
The Office of Social Action for the Archdiocese of Montreal supports the White Poppy Campaign and its mission to commemorate all victims of war, including civilian casualties who are the most numerous. Wearing the White Poppy alongside the Red Poppy for military victims encourages us to broaden social discussions about war by including civilian victims of war and working towards peace in our conversations.
Further information can be found at:
November 13th, 2021
Annual Canned Goods Collection begins!
The Annual Canned Goods Collection for our Christmas Baskets will begin on the weekend of November 13th – 14th, and continue until the weekend of December 18th – 19th . We are accepting donations of non-expired canned or boxed goods and non-perishable food items. We especially need the appropriate foods associated with meals during the Christmas Season (example: canned fruits and puddings, cookies and treats for children).
Parishioners wishing to make a donation towards meat and other perishables are asked to place their offering in the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes on the walls at the back of the church.
November 20th, 2021
Teen Fest with Montreal Youth Mission/Mission Jeunesse Montréal, 12:00pm-5:00pm
Join the Montreal Youth Mission in person or virtually in a lively and joyful experience for teens, aged 13-17, on November 20th from 12:00pm-5:00pm at Sacred Heart School. Connect with other teens who have a desire to grow in faith, and come together in fellowship to experience this abridged celebration that fully embodies World Youth Day Montréal through a half-day of engaging talks, authentic testimonies, creative presentations, and dynamic activities. For more information visit
Family Faith Formation
Our Family Faith Formation program has started! If you are seeking to prepare your child for First Communion or Confirmation and would like more information about Family Faith Formation, please contact our Pastoral Associate, Angela ( for more information.
Catechist Wanted – Could it be you?
If you are searching for joy and fulfilment, please consider joining our team of Catechists. No experience teaching Catechism required – all we need is for you to have love for Christ and for families! Contact Father Robert ( or Angela (
Blessings in Christ,
Father Robert+
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