Friday, November 12, 2021

Soul Health LV (55)

The Annual Meeting of Parishioners – **This Weekend**

Sunday, November 14th after the 9:30am Mass

We would like most of you to come, as we have two main tasks to accomplish as a parish community:

- Discussing the future directions of or parish, which will be shaped by your input

- Electing 3 new Wardens, whose efforts in managing parish funds and maintaining facilities will help keep our parish going in the right direction

Snacks and beverages will be provided!

If you would like to contribute your time, knowledge, and skills to the parish, please consider standing for election.

For more information, please contact Father Robert by email or by calling the parish office at 514-768-4741.

Family Faith Formation

We are very excited to announce that Family Faith Formation will be returning to in-person gatherings on Sunday, November 28th 2021!

If you are not yet enrolled in FFF or if you were waiting for our return to in-person gatherings to register, please contact Angela at by 4:30pm on Tuesday, November 23rd.

Further details will be provided to all current participants at our next Gathering, and will be available by request via email.

We’re also looking for more Catechists! If you are searching for more joy and fulfilment in your life, please consider joining our team of volunteer Catechists! No experience teaching (Catechism or otherwise) necessary – all we require from you is a love for Christ and for families, and a commitment to the future of the English Catholic Parishes of Verdun! Please contact Angela or Father Robert if you would like more information.

Magnificat – December 2021 issue now available

Parishioners who subscribe to the Magnificat may pick up their December issue on the shelves at the back of the church. There are a couple of extra copies at a cost of $5.00 each.

Annual Canned Goods Collection begins!

The Annual Canned Goods Collection for our Christmas Baskets will begin on the weekend of November 13th – 14th, and continue until the weekend of December 18th – 19th.

We are accepting donations of non-expired canned or boxed goods and non-perishable food items. We especially need the appropriate foods associated with meals during the Christmas Season (example: canned fruits and puddings, cookies and treats for children).

Parishioners wishing to make a donation towards meat and other perishables are asked to place their offering in the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes on the walls at the back of the church.



November 14th, 2021

**Free** Concert with Montreal Polyphonic Choir: Requiem, 2:30pm

The Montreal Polyphonic Choir will be performing a free concert at Marie Reine du Monde/Mary Queen of the World on Sunday, November 14th at 2:30pm. They will be performing the Requiem of Gabriel Fauré, and the performance is dedicated to the memory of the victims of all conflicts and pandemics. For more information, check out their website here.

November 20th, 2021

Teen Fest with Montreal Youth Mission/Mission Jeunesse Montréal, 12:00pm-5:00pm

Join the Montreal Youth Mission in person or virtually in a lively and joyful experience for teens, aged 13-17, on November 20th from 12:00pm-5:00pm at Sacred Heart School. Connect with other teens who have a desire to grow in faith, and come together in fellowship to experience this abridged celebration that fully embodies World Youth Day Montréal through a half-day of engaging talks, authentic testimonies, creative presentations, and dynamic activities. For more information visit their website.

December 3rd, 2021

Memorial Mass and Dedication of the Church Hall to Father George

Join us on Friday, December 3rd to commemorate Father George S. Oakes, who served our parish from 1989 until his passing in 2018, with a Memorial Mass followed by dinner, dedication of the parish hall, and an auction.

Tickets are available for purchase after the weekend Masses or by contacting the parish office at

Mass: 6:00pm

Dinner and Auction: 7:00pm

Tickets: $15.00 each (includes a chicken meal and dessert)


Blessings in Christ,

Father Robert+

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