Dear Parishioners and Friends,
The joining on the outdoor altar of parishioners profound offering in the snow and chill to Christ's offering on the Cross speaks volumes, and bears witness to Him as "the light shining in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5).
Bundle up and joyfully join us for one more weekend celebrating Mass in the open air:
- St Thomas More: Mass at 10:00am on the chu-rch steps, Communion at 10:25am
- St Willibrord: Mass at 11:15am in front of the rectory, Communion at 11:40am
Masks and 1m physical distancing required. Communion will be brought to you in place.
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly +
One more weekend until churches re-open!
For one more Sunday, all are welcome to the open-air Masses, even those who are not parishioners of St Thomas More or St Willibrord! And, if you choose to attend Mass online or on television, consider completing your Sunday with Communion at either church. You can attend Mass online with:
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola
- Saint Thomas à Becket
- Saint Joseph’s Oratory
- On TV, the Salt & Light channel is also a great option for attending Mass virtually
Starting the weekend of February 12th-13th, the Mass schedule at St Thomas More and St Willibrord will be:
- St Thomas More: 9:30am indoors
- St Willibrord: 11:15am indoors, 12:30pm outdoors (Communion at 12:55pm)
Complete details for the reopening of both parishes for Sunday Masses on the weekend of February 12th-13th will be communicated in next week’s newsletters.
Starting next week, we can once again celebrate weekday Mass in the Sacristy!
- Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00am
- Vaccination passports are required
- Masks and social distancing are required
Mass intentions for the week of February 6th-12th:
- Sunday, Feb 6th: For all parishioners and for all who call this parish home
- Tuesday, Feb 8th: Nadine Klians by Melinda & Helmut
- Thursday, Feb 10th: For the Soul of Maurizio by Elena Miroglio
Collection Envelopes and Making Online Contributions
Parishioners who use envelopes for their Sunday offerings can drop off their envelopes at the parish office while the church is closed.
Regular or one-time donations can also be made at Canada Helps is a secure online platform that’s a good alternative to envelopes for parishioners who cannot easily get to the parish to drop off their donations, or even for those who wish to go paperless.
The weekly collection is an incredibly important resource for the parish, and your contributions to it support our various programs and efforts to serve our parish and our community.
Montreal Youth Mission / Mission Jeunesse MTL: **Youth Alpha**
If you have done an Alpha course before, you'll already be familiar with how the Alpha program can change your life. The Archdiocese Youth Mission, in collaboration with the parishes of St Ignatius of Loyola and Holy Name of Jesus, is now hosting a virtual Youth Alpha program to bring faith and fellowship to teens all over Montreal!
Running online on Thursday nights (7:00-8:30pm) until March 24th, Youth Alpha is an experience that allows teenagers to come together to talk about life’s big questions, forge new friendships, and grow in faith. New participants can register until February 6th 2022 at
**Don't forget!** "Called, Chosen, Gathered, and Sent: A Journey Inspired by The Chosen TV Series" starts tonight!
For those who registered and will be joining Fr Raymond Lafontaine and other Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Montreal – including Father Robert and Angela! – don’t forget that this program runs on Friday evenings throughout February (Feb 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th) on Zoom!
This program will help you see the life of Jesus through the eyes of the people that walked on Earth with him – the disciples, Mary his mother, the Pharisees, the children, those he healed. What would that look like? What difference would it make for your personal journey of faith, your experience of belonging to a church community, your witness and service to the world around you?
Did you miss the change to register for live participation? If you’d like to follow along at your own pace, fill out the form at the bottom of this page to receive a virtual kit to guide you on this journey to experience Christ in a whole new way!
Registration is now open until February 5th for the first Bible in a Year Virtual Retreat!
Join Fr Mike Schmitz (who you may already know, especially if you’re in our Adult or Family Faith Formation programs!) and Jeff Cavins on February 18th-20th for a three-day virtual retreat that will help you cultivate a lifelong relationship with the Word of God.
Only a limited number of spots are available for this event, which is hosted by Ascension Press. There is a registration fee of $54.95 and you need a working email address to register and attend. Click here for further details including the retreat schedule.
The Bible and the Virgin Mary
Parishioners and friends of the parish who are seeking to gain more knowledge of Catholicism and deepen their faith are invited to join Father Robert on this online course taking place on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm!
Developed by the Saint Paul Center and based on Dr Scott Hahn’s book Hail, Holy Queen, participants will rediscover Mother Mary through Sacred Scripture during this course. From the newly confirmed to the fully engaged, this study has something for all Catholics!
The Bible and the Virgin Mary is accessible through the following Zoom link: More information on this program can be found on the Saint Paul Center website here.
Each gathering for this study begins with 30 minutes of prayer with the Rosary, followed by a video, discussions, and teaching with Father Robert.
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