Be crowned with kindness and compassion - we have one last weekend of passports and outdoor Masses!
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
COVID-19 regulations for churches and places worship remain in effect for one more weekend.
This weekend will be our last with the 12:30om outdoor Mass at St Willibrord, which is a joint Mass for both parishes. Parishioners who are able to attend the outdoor Mass are encouraged to do so, to stand in solidarity with our unvaccinated brothers and sisters in Christ.
The outdoor Masses these past two months have been a remarkable and inspiring demonstration of the determined and unshakable faith of Montreal's Catholics. Once we are all able to celebrate Mass together under one roof again, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, let us not forget that our faith also calls us to be kind and compassionate, and to love as God loves us.
Weekend Mass Schedule:
- Saturday: Mass, 4:00pm
- Sunday: Mass, 9:30am
- Sunday: 12:30pm Outdoors at the St Willibrord rectory steps (351 Willibrord)
No Confessions before Mass for this weekend only
For all Masses this weekend, please observe the following:
- Masks, social distancing, and sanitization are required
- For indoor Masses, vaccination passports are required for non-volunteer individuals over the age of 13 Unvaccinated children under the age of 13 are welcome
Parishioners wishing to volunteer at Mass may call the parish office!
Possible ways to contribute as a Mass volunteer include: reading, taking the collection, greeting parishioners at the door, assisting with clearing the steps and sanitizing inside... There are so many ways to contribute to the needs of God's people and to let your light shine!
Weekday Masses
- Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00am in the Sacristy
- Wednesday at 7:00pm and Friday at 11:00am in the Rectory Chapel
- Vaccination passports are required
- Masks and social distancing are required
Mass intentions for the week of February 12-19:
- Saturday, February 19: 4:00pm – For all parishioners and those who call this parish home
- Sunday, February 20: 9:30am – Mr Adolf Schweighart by Mrs Violet Huggins
- Tuesday, February 22: 11:00am – Patrick & Mary McIver by Their Family
- Thursday, February 24: 11:00am – Victor Olaguera by His Wife & Family
Father Robert’s Prayer List
Father Robert is renewing his prayer list. If you would like to add your name or those of your loved ones (up to six names), please contact him at or contact the parish office.
Income Tax Receipts
Parishioners who requested Income Tax Receipts may pick them up from the table at the back of the church. Receipts are in numerical order according to your envelope numbers.
Collection Envelopes and Making Online Contributions
Parishioners who use envelopes for their Sunday offerings can drop off their envelopes at the parish office while the church is closed. Regular or one-time donations can also be made at Canada Helps is a secure online platform that’s a good alternative to envelopes for parishioners who cannot easily get to the parish to drop off their donations, or even for those who wish to go paperless. The weekly collection is an incredibly important resource for the parish, and your contributions to it support our various programs and efforts to serve our parish and our community.
Called, Chosen, and Sent: An Invitation to Families from Fr Raymond Lafontaine for this Friday, February 18 – 7:00pm
Fr Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar, extends a warm invitation to families to join this week’s instalment of Called, Chosen, and Sent, a course inspired by the TV series The Chosen. Focusing on the Season 1 episode, “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” this session provides an opportunity for us all to explore what it means to have child-like faith and to be children of God.
The waiting room for this event opens at 6:45pm and spaces in the Zoom room are limited to 100 participants on a first come, first served basis.
Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 816 1050 9302
One tap mobile
+1 438 809 7799,,81610509302# Canada
+16475580588,,81610509302# Canada
+17789072071,,81610509302# Canada
To help you prepare for the event and to view this week's episode beforehand, you are invited to review the Summary Kit below: SUMMARY KIT for Week 3
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly +
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