Friday, February 25, 2022

Soul Health LXVIII

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

The requirement for vaccination passports to enter places of worship has, at last, been lifted!

As we prepare to celebrate Mass this weekend together under one roof again, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, let us not forget that our faith also calls us to be kind and compassionate, and to love as God has loved us.


Due to the treacherous ice conditions outside the church, the front steps and main entrance of the church are off limits until further notice. Please use the street-level doors on Moffat or Bannantyne.


Lent is nigh! Shrove Tuesday, March 1, and Ash Wednesday, March 2

The season of Lent begins this coming week!

Shrove Tuesday (Shrove=Confessed/absolved) Confession & Mass Schedule:

- St Thomas More: 10:00am-10:50am - Confession (in the confessional at the back of the church); 11:00am - Mass in the Sacristy

- St Willibrord: 7:00pm-8:00pm - Confession (St Willibrord Rectory Chapel)

Ash Wednesday Confession & Mass Schedule:

- Saint Thomas More: 10:00am-10:50am - Confession; 11:00am - Mass

- Saint Willibrord: 6:00pm - Confession; 7:00pm - Mass

Remember that Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence in the Catholic Church.

- Fasting: One full meal during the day. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but their combined amount should not be equal to that of a full meal. The norms of fasting are obligatory for Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59, unless exempted due to medical circumstances.

- Abstinence: Including every Friday in Lent. No meat -- seafood, eggs, and dairy are permitted. The norms of abstinence are obligatory for Catholics above the age of 14.


Weekend Mass Schedule:

- Saturday: Confession, 3:30pm; Mass, 4:00pm

- Sunday: Confession, 9:00am; Mass, 9:30am

Weekday Masses

- Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00am in the Sacristy

For all Masses, please observe the following:

- Masks, social distancing, and sanitization are required

- Communion will be brought to you in place

Mass intentions for the week of February 12-19:

- Saturday, February 26: 4:00pm – Joyce Neeson by Maureen Dearden

- Sunday, February 27: 9:30am – For all parishioners

- Tuesday, March 1: 11:00am – Deceased Members of the Gallagher and Purcell Families by Their Estate

- Wednesday, March 2: 11:00am – Deceased Members of the Alguire and Robidoux Family by their Estate

- Thursday, March 3: 11:00am – John & Joan Purcell by Their Estate


Adult Faith Formation: The Lenten Journey

This Lent, we invite all parishioners to join the adult candidates preparing for Easter Sacraments on the Lenten journey of formation, fellowship, and faith!

Adult Faith Formation will be meeting in person, starting on Ash Wednesday with Mass at 7:00pm and a Gathering afterwards. After Ash Wednesday, AFF will meet on Sunday mornings – details for these Sunday Gatherings will be announced at our Gathering on Ash Wednesday.

If you are interested in joining Adult Faith Formation, please contact Father Robert ( or Angela (


Help Wanted

The parish is in need of a part-time groundskeeper to help with maintenance and small repairs. Occasional hours, depending on the jobs that need to be done; compensation dependent upon skills. For more information, please contact Father Robert by calling the parish office or emailing him at

We need volunteers!

Possible ways to contribute as a Mass volunteer include: reading, taking the collection, greeting parishioners at the door, sanitizing inside, and setting up for Coffee Hour after Mass! There are so many ways to contribute to the needs of God's people and to let your light shine! Please contact the parish office if you are interested in volunteering.

Magnificat: March Edition and Lent 2022 Companion

The March edition of Magnificat has been delayed, but should be available by Ash Wednesday.

Copies of the Lent 2022 Companion by Magnificat are available at the back of the church for $2 per copy. With reflections on the daily readings, prayers, and quotes to contemplate, the Lent Companion provides readers with ways and opportunities to bring the Word into daily life and turn the Word into living faith.

Envelopes are provided inside each copy so you can drop your payment in the collection basket. Current subscribers to Magnificat will be able to pick up their Lent 2022 Companion this weekend.

Collection Envelopes and Making Online Contributions

Envelopes are available at the back of the church. If you haven't signed up for a set before and would like a set for 2022, please contact the parish office.

For parishioners who prefer to be paperless, regular or one-time donations can also be made at Canada Helps is a secure online platform that’s a good alternative to envelopes for parishioners who cannot easily get to the parish to drop off their donations, or even for those who wish to go paperless.

The weekly collection is an incredibly important resource for the parish, and your contributions to it support our various programs and efforts to serve our parish and our community.


February 26th: Accompaniment & Support for Persons who are Separated or Divorced

The Diocesan Centre for Marriage, Life and Family invites individuals who are separated or divorced to join Deacon Francis Joannette in a journey towards rebuilding themselves in Christ. The next encounter in this free series is on February 26 from 1:30pm-3:30pm (includes a break) and will explore the topic “It is in weakness that I am strong: When you don’t have the strength to move on.”

Those interested in participating can register by filling out the form located here.

For more information, contact the Centre for Marriage, Life and Family at or 514-925-4300 x 206.


Yours in Christ,

Father Robert Assaly +

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