Dear Parishioners and Friends,
These last two weeks especially, I have been present to many people hurting from stigmatization over vaccination status or opposing views on pandemic measures. We re-open the parishes this week in the face of increasing polarization over pandemic responses, especially vaccination passports, in our society, in our families and the Church. Let us endeavour do so in the spirit of unity.
It was well said at Christmas by the Bishop of Pembroke: “Archbishop Lépine of Montreal recently published a very eloquent letter. He asks us to fight the virus instead of fighting each other with judgment and resentment towards those who do not think as we do, between the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated. Otherwise, the virus will win over us and hurt us not only physically and psychologically, but will divide us spiritually to the point of hatred towards our neighbour, instead of the unconditional love that Christ wants to give us by taking on our mortal condition on this great Christmas Day.”
No pastor is called to divide the white sheep from the black sheep, much less based on vaccination status. All are welcome, while we are adhering to all the rules: unvaccinated children under 13 are welcome regardless, as are unvaccinated others who are willing to volunteer during the mass. If you would like to volunteer at mass this weekend, please call me to arrange this by noon Saturday (514-768-4741).
As all others will require vaccination passports, so as not to exclude anyone we are also offering an outdoor joint parish mass Sunday at 12:30pm on the steps of St. Willibrord’s rectory. Singling out the unvaccinated has them, as one stated, “exposed to the gaze and judgment of others.” I encourage you who are able, to come well-dressed and make this your Sunday mass obligation regardless of your vaccination status, as an expression of the light of our unity shining in the darkness of division.
I give the last word to St. Paul: “maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:3-6).
In the Unity of the Holy Trinity, one God,
Father Robert Assaly +
The doors are reopening!
These last two weeks especially, I have been present to many people hurting from stigmatization over vaccination status or opposing views on pandemic measures. We re-open the parishes this week in the face of increasing polarization over pandemic responses, especially vaccination passports, in our society, in our families and the Church. Let us endeavour do so in the spirit of unity.
It was well said at Christmas by the Bishop of Pembroke: “Archbishop Lépine of Montreal recently published a very eloquent letter. He asks us to fight the virus instead of fighting each other with judgment and resentment towards those who do not think as we do, between the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated. Otherwise, the virus will win over us and hurt us not only physically and psychologically, but will divide us spiritually to the point of hatred towards our neighbour, instead of the unconditional love that Christ wants to give us by taking on our mortal condition on this great Christmas Day.”
No pastor is called to divide the white sheep from the black sheep, much less based on vaccination status. All are welcome, while we are adhering to all the rules: unvaccinated children under 13 are welcome regardless, as are unvaccinated others who are willing to volunteer during the mass. If you would like to volunteer at mass this weekend, please call me to arrange this by noon Saturday (514-768-4741).
As all others will require vaccination passports, so as not to exclude anyone we are also offering an outdoor joint parish mass Sunday at 12:30pm on the steps of St. Willibrord’s rectory. Singling out the unvaccinated has them, as one stated, “exposed to the gaze and judgment of others.” I encourage you who are able, to come well-dressed and make this your Sunday mass obligation regardless of your vaccination status, as an expression of the light of our unity shining in the darkness of division.
I give the last word to St. Paul: “maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:3-6).
In the Unity of the Holy Trinity, one God,
Father Robert Assaly +
The doors are reopening!
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: Confession, 3:30pm; Mass, 4:00pm
Sunday: Confession, 9:00am; Mass, 9:30am
Joint Outdoor Mass at Saint Willibrord Parish, 12:30pm
Weekday Mass Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00am in the Sacristy
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is also available throughout the week by appointment. Please contact the parish office.
Saturday: Confession, 3:30pm; Mass, 4:00pm
Sunday: Confession, 9:00am; Mass, 9:30am
Joint Outdoor Mass at Saint Willibrord Parish, 12:30pm
Weekday Mass Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00am in the Sacristy
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is also available throughout the week by appointment. Please contact the parish office.
For all Masses (weekend and weekday), please observe the following:
- Masks, social distancing, and sanitization are required inside
- Vaccination passports are required for non-volunteer individuals over the age of 13
- Unvaccinated children under the age of 13 are welcome
Parishioners wishing to volunteer at Mass may call the parish office!
- Possible ways to contribute as a Mass volunteer include: reading, taking the collection, greeting parishioners at the door, assisting with clearing the steps and sanitizing inside... There are so many ways to contribute to the needs of God's people and to let your light shine!
- Mass intentions for the week of February 12-19:
- Saturday, February 12: Harold Murray, by Maureen Dearden
- Sunday, February 13: For all parishioners and those who call this parish home
- Tuesday, February 15: Father Ken Martin, by the Estate
- Thursday, February 17: The Intentions of the Sons of the Olaguera Family, by Agnes Olaguera
Father Robert’s Prayer List
Father Robert is renewing his prayer list. If you would like to add your name or those of your loved ones (up to six names), please contact him at or contact the parish office.
Income Tax Receipts
Parishioners who requested Income Tax Receipts may pick them up from the table at the back of the church. Receipts are in numerical order according to your envelope numbers.
Collection Envelopes and Making Online Contributions
If you've gone paperless, consider making your contribution to the weekly collection through secure electronic donations via Canada Helps at
The weekly collection is an incredibly important resource for the parish, and your contributions to it support our various programs and efforts to serve our parish and our community.
Tuesday February 15- Loyola High School: Information Session for September 2022 Enrolment
A Jesuit Catholic high school that offerings a well-rounded educational experience, Loyola High School is currently seeking applications for Secondary 1 through 4 for September 2022. Parents of students currently in Grade 6 or above and eligible for English school are invited to attend Loyola’s 2022-23 Admissions & Bursary Information Session, on Tuesday February 15th at 7:00pm on Zoom. You can register here for this information session, and if you have further questions, please contact Kuljinder Kaur at
The Bible and the Virgin Mary
Parishioners and friends of the parish who are seeking to gain more knowledge of Catholicism and deepen their faith are invited to join Father Robert on this online course taking place on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm!
Developed by the Saint Paul Center and based on Dr Scott Hahn’s book Hail, Holy Queen, participants will rediscover Mother Mary through Sacred Scripture during this course. From the newly confirmed to the fully engaged, this study has something for all Catholics!
The Bible and the Virgin Mary is accessible through the following Zoom link: More information on this program can be found on the Saint Paul Center website here.
Each gathering for this study begins with 30 minutes of prayer with the Rosary, followed by a video, discussions, and teaching with Father Robert.
- Possible ways to contribute as a Mass volunteer include: reading, taking the collection, greeting parishioners at the door, assisting with clearing the steps and sanitizing inside... There are so many ways to contribute to the needs of God's people and to let your light shine!
- Mass intentions for the week of February 12-19:
- Saturday, February 12: Harold Murray, by Maureen Dearden
- Sunday, February 13: For all parishioners and those who call this parish home
- Tuesday, February 15: Father Ken Martin, by the Estate
- Thursday, February 17: The Intentions of the Sons of the Olaguera Family, by Agnes Olaguera
Father Robert’s Prayer List
Father Robert is renewing his prayer list. If you would like to add your name or those of your loved ones (up to six names), please contact him at or contact the parish office.
Income Tax Receipts
Parishioners who requested Income Tax Receipts may pick them up from the table at the back of the church. Receipts are in numerical order according to your envelope numbers.
Collection Envelopes and Making Online Contributions
If you've gone paperless, consider making your contribution to the weekly collection through secure electronic donations via Canada Helps at
The weekly collection is an incredibly important resource for the parish, and your contributions to it support our various programs and efforts to serve our parish and our community.
Tuesday February 15- Loyola High School: Information Session for September 2022 Enrolment
A Jesuit Catholic high school that offerings a well-rounded educational experience, Loyola High School is currently seeking applications for Secondary 1 through 4 for September 2022. Parents of students currently in Grade 6 or above and eligible for English school are invited to attend Loyola’s 2022-23 Admissions & Bursary Information Session, on Tuesday February 15th at 7:00pm on Zoom. You can register here for this information session, and if you have further questions, please contact Kuljinder Kaur at
The Bible and the Virgin Mary
Parishioners and friends of the parish who are seeking to gain more knowledge of Catholicism and deepen their faith are invited to join Father Robert on this online course taking place on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm!
Developed by the Saint Paul Center and based on Dr Scott Hahn’s book Hail, Holy Queen, participants will rediscover Mother Mary through Sacred Scripture during this course. From the newly confirmed to the fully engaged, this study has something for all Catholics!
The Bible and the Virgin Mary is accessible through the following Zoom link: More information on this program can be found on the Saint Paul Center website here.
Each gathering for this study begins with 30 minutes of prayer with the Rosary, followed by a video, discussions, and teaching with Father Robert.
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