a. Palm Sunday :
i. What to do in the parish?
• Therefore, there will be no blessing of palms in the parish churches, oratories and chapels of our diocese, nor a distribution of these at the doors of the church or elsewhere, in any way whatsoever.
ii. What can be done as a family?
Families are invited to place an image or statue of Jesus visibly in a window of their home to mark the start of Holy Week. This represents an opportunity to proclaim our faith in the public square. On the diocesan website you will find additional suggestions and a proposed image, which can be printed and used for this purpose. (See details concerning the website in section 4 of this document).
iii. What is available for youth?
Although young people, youth ministers, their supporters and the people of God around them will not be able to gather this coming Saturday, World Youth Day remains the international day of celebration and prayer with and for youth! Join them live on April 4, at 5 p.m., on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygTbG11Y4kA&feature=youtu.be to follow Palm Sunday Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Lépine, and to appreciate their creative response to this year's theme: "Young man, I tell you, get up!" "
b. Chrism Mass:
The Archbishop will preside at the celebration of the Chrism Mass “in camera” (privately) at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral on Wednesday, April 8 at 7 p.m.
We propose that pastors and the People of God participate, as far as is possible, in simple, simultaneous gestures as a sign of our communion within the Church. We invite pastors and teams who plan to participate in these initiatives described below to notify the communications department (communications@diocesemontreal.org ), so that they can direct news media to parishes where these initiatives are being undertaken. Those who have access to social media are urged to share these moments digitally so that a greater number of faithful can unite in prayer. To celebrate the Easter Triduum, in addition to the suggestions that follow, a simplified version of the liturgical celebrations will be sent at the beginning of next week, for those who need them.
c. Holy Thursday:
According to the Decree of March 25 previously cited, the faculty to celebrate Mass in memory of the Lord's Supper, without the presence of the faithful, is granted to all priests. They are requested to celebrate in an appropriate place, to omit the foot-washing ceremony and the concluding procession with the Blessed Sacrament.
A parallel, simultaneous gesture to take place in the parishes: Following the celebration of Mass, continue with an hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by the blessing of the neighbourhood. Following the celebration of mass, priests able to do so are encouraged to spend an hour in private adoration from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30, in the church or a place of their choice. Around 8:30 p.m., they are asked to go outside the main entrance to bless the neighbourhood with the Blessed Sacrament. This can also be conducted inside the church. After the blessing, the Blessed Sacrament is reposed in the tabernacle.
At home: the faithful in our diocese can join this adoration in spirit by placing a lighted candle in their window from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
To accompany this time of common prayer, suggestions for Prayers of the Faithful, focusing in particular on serving others along with meditations on the Gospel account of washing the disciples’ feet, will be published on the diocesan website. These and other suggestions will also be available early next week.
d. Good Friday:
A parallel, simultaneous gesture in the parishes: Erect a cross outside, at the principle church entrance. In memory of the Passion of Our Lord, pastors are encouraged to place a processional cross outside, at the principle church entrance from noon to 3 p.m.
At home, the faithful can venerate a crucifix and place a cross in their window, as a sign of confidence in Christ’s sacrifice for us and in the victory of Love over Evil, suffering and death.
To celebrate the Lord’s Passion (in camera: 2 or 3 participants maximum):
A special intention is included in the Prayers of the Faithful: for those in distress, for the sick and the deceased. A suggestion regarding the formulation of this prayer will be communicated at the beginning of next week.
Only the presiding minister venerates the Cross.
The collection for the Holy Land is postponed until September 13, 2020.
The traditional Archbishop's blood drive is cancelled. On Good Friday, Archbishop Lépine still encourages the faithful who are able to donate blood to do so but at a blood clinic close to their homes. Consult the Héma-Québec site to find the nearest site:
e. Holy Saturday: In the early evening, before the Vigil: keep watch with Mary in the silence of Holy Saturday. All are invited to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary. Pastors who, through social media, can link their faithful to this time of prayer are urged to do so.
Some resources: Family Prayer in each home:
by Archbishop Lepine
f. Easter Vigil:
A parallel, simultaneous gesture in the parishes: Welcome the Light of Easter. At 8 p.m., pastors are asked to light the paschal candle, placed as near as possible to the open doors of their parish church, to bless it and recite the Easter proclamation (Exsultet). This ceremony can also be conducted in the church interior
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