What kind of parish do you want to build?
Tell us at Pentecost during our first Parish Brunch!
Sunday, June 5th after the 9:30am Mass until 1:00pm
Join us for fellowship over a pancake brunch, and we'll discern as a community what kind of parish we are now, what kind of parish we want to be in the future, and what it'll take to get there!
**There will be no 4:00pm Mass this weekend on Saturday**
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
This weekend, the great feast of Pentecost marks the end of the 50-day Easter Season – but our spiritual journeys are far from over! As Eastertide draws to a close and as we reflect on this Sunday’s Gospel readings, let us all continue to invite the Holy Spirit into our daily lives and let him guide us towards encounters with Christ, especially in this coming month of June as we welcome CCO Missionaries to the English Roman Catholic Parishes of Verdun!
Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, June 4 - June 10
Saturday, June 4: No Mass! See you on Sunday at 9:30am!
Sunday, June 5: Adolf Schweighart by Mrs Violet Huggins; For All Parishioners
Tuesday, June 7: Fr George Oakes by His Friends
Thursday, June 9: Brian Foran by Ann Foran
Weekday Masses for the Month of June
For the next three weeks, the weekday Masses will take place in the churchinstead of the sacristy. **Please sit only in the front section**
Your life CAN make a difference – Discover how with CCO!
You are invited to share your experiences of life and faith with the next generation of Verdun Catholics through Discovery - three weeks of small group discussions run by student missionaries from CCO, who are staying with the English Roman Catholic Parishes of Verdun this month.
Discovery will run on Tuesday and Thursday nights at St Thomas More, 7-8:30pm starting Tuesday, June 7th. There'll also be a special event for Discovery participants at the end of the series - we'll keep you posted!
To get personally connected to the CCO Mission Team running Discovery, visit https://bit.ly/3wZwWhR and fill out the e-form! They’re excited to meet you and these conversations will bring you even closer to Jesus and help you bring others to him! Your participation would be a great contribution to the life of the parish!
United with You in Prayer
Father Robert is renewing his prayer list. You're invited to send him the first names (maximum 5) of your nearest and dearest who could use some extra prayers and spiritual support this month.
New Month, New Papal Intention!
Pope Francis’ intention for June 2022 is for families: “We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love, and advance in holiness in their daily lives.”
Going Where the Spirit Sends Him: Bishop Barron's New Appointment
Join us in prayer for Bishop Barron as he prepares to leave California to take up his new position as the ninth Bishop of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota. Read his thoughts on his appointment here: https://bit.ly/3zgB3J2
The Catholic Register: Papal Visit a Wake-up Call for Canadians
"For six days in July the most important thing happening in this country will be an old man confronting our history." Find out why at https://bit.ly/3PCOPLE
One Year Later: The CCCB and the former Kamloops Residential School
On May 23, the CCCB released a statement on the one-year anniversary of the discoveries at the former Kamloops Residential School that rocked the nation and emphasized the need for reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples. Read it at https://bit.ly/3PHPdIR
Update on Masking
As the province is no longer requiring masking indoors, it now becomes a personal choice to mask indoors. We encourage all of you to continue acting with charity and compassion in order to protect our vulnerable parishioners, as you have done so far during the pandemic.
Individuals experiencing symptoms are strongly called upon to isolate themselves, to take a rapid test, and follow the instructions that apply in such cases.
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+
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