Friday, June 10, 2022

Soul Health LXXXII

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Although we had a small turnout for last week’s Parishioners’ Meeting & Brunch, we nonetheless had a great conversation that brought us to recognize our parish is in significant decline and that in order to get out of it, we are called to become a mission parish which necessitates significant changes at Saint Thomas More.  

A huge thank you is in order for all the parishioners who came out for the meeting, especially the Parish Pancake Platoon who put on a delicious brunch for us. 

Special thanks goes out to the Visioning Team who planned the event and played a key role in helping us identify our parish’s need to look ahead with hope to a future where our parish is vibrant, engaged, and fulfilling its mission to make new disciples.

We are also looking to create a Leadership Team at our parish that meets regularly, so if you are interested in taking on an active role in leading the parish towards this future, please speak to Father Robert.  Two members of the Leadership Team will have the opportunity to go to Dallas, Texas in July for the Divine Renovation conference to get equipped with knowledge and skills necessary for success in their roles.  

End of the suspension of the Sunday Obligation
At the onset of the pandemic, Archbishop Lépine had issued a dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass, which has been in effect ever since. Now that the public health state of emergency has been lifted in Quebec, and in order to remove all doubt in the conscience of the faithful, please be advised that this dispensation is now cancelled.

Sunday Mass attendance in person is again a obligation of the faithful.


Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, June 11 – June 17
Saturday, June 11:  For All Parishioners
Sunday, June 12:  Joyce Lajeunesse by Alison
Tuesday, June 14:  Catherine Aumais by John & Janet Faherty
Thursday, June 16:  5th Wedding Anniversary of Pierre & Angela by Agnes 

Next weekend, we will be surveying all parishioners in attendance at the Saturday and Sunday Masses to help us determine the optimal time for Saint Thomas More to have one weekend Mass. 

Weekday Masses for the Month of June
Weekday Masses will take place in the church instead of the sacristy.  **Please sit only in the front section**

Your life CAN make a difference – Discover how with CCO!
You are invited to share your experiences of life and faith with the next generation of Verdun Catholics through Discovery.  We have two more weeks of small group discussions run by student missionaries from CCO, who are staying with the English Roman Catholic Parishes of Verdun this month.   

Discovery happens on Tuesday and Thursday nights at St Thomas More, 7-8:30pm until June 21.  There'll also be a special event for Discovery participants at the end of the series - we'll keep you posted! 

To get personally connected to the CCO Mission Team running Discovery, speak to any of the youth missionaries after Mass!
 They’re excited to meet you and these conversations will bring you even closer to Jesus and help you bring others to him! Your participation would be a great contribution to the life of the parish!


United with You in Prayer
Father Robert is renewing his prayer list.  You're invited to send him the first names (maximum 5) of your nearest and dearest who could use some extra prayers and spiritual support this month.  

Music on an early summer’s eve 
Join Fr Robert, fellow parishioners, and members of the Verdun community foran evening of music with Harmonie at Saint Thomas More tomorrow, Saturday, June 11 at 7:00pm.  
- Regular Admission:  $20
- Children 12 and under / adults 65 and over:  $10

Summer Programs for Children and Youth
- Hosted by the Parish of Holy Name of Jesus in Laval, Camp Savio will have two sessions this summer for ages 6-12:

- Kinkora’s DayLight Camp will be up and running for ages 6-15:

One Year Later:  The CCCB and the former Kamloops Residential School
On May 23, the CCCB released a statement on the one-year anniversary of the discoveries at the former Kamloops Residential School that rocked the nation and emphasized the need for reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples.  Read it at

Franciscus venit!
"For six days in July the most important thing happening in this country will be an old man confronting our history."  Find out why at

Ahead of the Papal visit, there will be a Mass at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral on Tuesday, June 21 at 7:30pm in honour and celebration of National Aboriginal Day.



Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+


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