Soul Health LXXXIV
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
This Friday in Quebec, we celebrate the feast of John the Baptist – Patron Saint of the Province of Quebec and he who “was not the light but came as a witness, to bear witness to the light, so that through him everyone might believe.”
Looking back on the past month, during which we have been blessed with the presence of the CCO Missionaries accompanying us towards deeper relationships with God, can you identify a moment where someone else bearing witness to the light and love of Jesus illuminated your path? What did that experience show you about how God wants you to serve and become a witness to him in your own unique way?
As we prepare for the summer ahead, we thank the CCO Missionaries for preparing the ground where we, the parishioners, will continue working so that our parish may bear more fruit for the Kingdom. Please continue to pray for these young men and women not only as they journey back home this coming weekend, but for the rest of their lives as they too continue to grow in God’s love and continue to bring the Gospel to others in their lives.
End of the suspension of the Sunday Obligation
At the onset of the pandemic, Archbishop Lépine had issued a dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass, which has been in effect ever since. Now that the public health state of emergency has been lifted in Quebec,and in order to remove all doubt in the conscience of the faithful, please be advised that this dispensation is now cancelled.
Sunday Mass attendance in person is again a obligation of the faithful.
Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, June 25 – July 1
Saturday, June 25: Bill & Lillian Fitzgerald by Their Family
Sunday, June 26: For All Parishioners
Tuesday, June 28: Yvonne Whelton by Caroline and Peter
Thursday, June 30 – The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church: Anniversary of Patricia McSharry by Her Husband & Family
Daily Mass continues in the Church!
Following a unanimous vote at Thursday's Mass, weekday Masses will continue being celebrated in the Church. Going forward, we ask that attendees sit in the front center section of pews, as this helps build our sense of community and fellowship.
Remembering the Church during the summer months
During the summer months, parish expenses are ongoing and we rely on our weekly offerings to meet them. Our offerings this year have gone down substantially, so we’d like to remind all parishioners that even if you’re away during the summer you can still make your regular contributions by dropping them off at the rectory. Thank you for your continued support!
We can’t do iced coffee…
…so Coffee Hour is suspended for the summer months, and we look forward to seeing you there again in the fall! A big thank you to all our regular volunteers who, for the last few months, have contributed their time, baked goods, and cheerful spirits to Coffee Hour. We couldn’t do it without you!
Magnificat is in!
Subscribers to Magnificat will be able to pick up their next instalment at the back of the church this weekend. Your copy will be indicated by a sticky with your name on it.
When I was homeless, you opened your door
Fr Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar, has a special message for those who wish to help Ukrainian refugees locally. Find out more at
Franciscus venit!
"For six days in July the most important thing happening in this country will be an old man confronting our history." Find out why at
Heard it through The Grapevine
Did you know that the Office of English Pastoral Services has its own newsletter announcing activities and events throughout Montreal for the anglophone Catholic community? Check out this week’s edition and subscribe at
Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+
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