Thursday, June 30, 2022

Soul Health LXXXV


Soul Health LXXXV

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, we’re reminded that “the harvest is great but the laborers are few” – something that we, the English-speaking Roman Catholics of Verdun, know all too well.  There’s so much to do for our parish and for our community that we haven’t been able to accomplish yet, but we can change that if we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and willingly allow the Holy Spirit to guide us towards using our time, talents, and treasure to serve the Church.  

Our young friends from the CCO Mission group helped us break a lot of ground and sow new seeds of faith and hope in our parish; now, it's up to us to continue the work they helped us start.  

Summer is, historically speaking, a quiet time of year for our parish…but there are still ways you can participate in parish life!  Consider becoming a reader, taking a turn to do the collection, being trained to distribute Communion, buying flowers for the Sanctuary, or bringing up the gifts at Mass.  Small acts of giving like these are a great way to take the first small-but-brave steps towards becoming more involved in parish life and gaining more experience in ministry.    


Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, July 2 - July 8 
Saturday, July 2 - 4:00pm:  For the anniversary of Mr Babush Cardoz by Luisinha Carolina DeSouza & Family
Sunday, July 3 - 9:30am:  For All Parishioners
Tuesday, July 5:  Feast of St Anthony Zaccaria
Thursday, July 7:  Guy Smith by Caroline & Peter

New Mass Schedule in effect July 9
Starting next weekend, the Mass schedule will be:
- Saturday, 4:30pm
- Sunday, 8:30am (said Mass – no music)

Daily Mass continues in the Church!
Weekday Masses will continue being celebrated in the Church.  Going forward, we ask that attendees sit in the front center section of pews, as this helps build our sense of community and fellowship.

Remembering the Church during the summer months 
During the summer months, parish expenses are ongoing and we rely on our weekly offerings to meet them.  Our offerings this year have gone down substantially, so we’d like to remind all parishioners that even if you’re away during the summer you can still make your regular contributions by dropping them off at the rectory. Thank you for your continued support! 

We can’t do iced coffee…
…so Coffee Hour is suspended for the summer months, and we look forward to seeing you there again in the fall!  A big thank you to all our regular volunteers who, for the last few months, have contributed their time, baked goods, and cheerful spirits to Coffee Hour.  We couldn’t do it without you! 

Magnificat is in!
Subscribers to Magnificat will be able to pick up the July instalment at the back of the church this weekend.  Your copy will be indicated by a sticky with your name on it.

Franciscus venit!
Canada's Catholic Bishops welcome the announcement of Pope Francis' official itinerary for his visit to Canada July 24-29, the theme of which is "Walking Together."  Read more at

More information about the Papal Visit can be found at

The beauty of the family
Read highlights from Pope Francis’ homily at the Holy Mass for the 10th World Meeting of Families last week in Rome:

The dignity of human life
Get to the heart of the issue of the US Supreme Court’s recent rulings about Roe v. Wade with the Archbishop of Cincinnati:

Gain more insight on Medical Assistance in Dying (set out in Federal Bill C-7 and Quebec’s Bill 38) with the Catholic Register:

Catholic Summer Camps for Children, Youth, and Families!
- Diocesan Family Camp (families), July 17-23:
- DayLight Camp (ages 6-15), July 24-30:
- Youth in Action (ages 7-14), July 31-August 6:
- Visions Camp, August 7-13 (ages 14-17):


Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

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