Friday, June 17, 2022

Soul Health LXXXIII


Dear Parishioners and Friends,

As we prepare to follow the Holy Spirit in moving our parish forward, there may be times where the task of becoming a mission-oriented parish seems incredibly daunting or even impossible. Let’s not let fear hold us back!  Instead, let’s remember that what we put into our parish community in these early stages of progress will determine what fruits we will bear later on. 

By taking what was given to him wholeheartedly – five loaves and two fish – Jesus was able to feed a crowd of thousands with plenty left to spare and pass on.  He can do the same with what we offer at St Thomas More to nourish our souls and ease the hunger for the truth in Verdun – all we have to do is follow and trust him, giving all that we have with all our hearts to the mission he set for us.  

If you have heard the call to take on a more active role in bringing our parish into mission mode, we are looking to send 2 parishioners to the Divine Renovation Conference in Dallas, Texas, next month. This conference will help you prepare for effective action and give you the tools and insights necessary for success in a leadership role. Say yes to the Holy Spirit’s call and get in with Father Robert for more information!

End of the suspension of the Sunday Obligation
At the onset of the pandemic, Archbishop Lépine had issued a dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass, which has been in effect ever since. Now that the public health state of emergency has been lifted in Quebec, and in order to remove all doubt in the conscience of the faithful, please be advised that this dispensation is now cancelled.

Sunday Mass attendance in person is again a obligation of the faithful.

Regular Liturgy Schedule & Intentions, June 18-24
Saturday, June 18:  Deceased Members of the Moran & Gregory Family by Wally & Rose
Sunday, June 19 - Corpus Christi:  For All Parishioners, and for All Fathers Living & Deceased
Tuesday, June 21 - St Thomas More & St John Fisher: For All Deceased Pastors
Thursday, June 23 - Sacred Heart of Jesus:  John & Joan Purcell by their Estate

This weekend, we will be surveying all parishioners in attendance at the Saturday and Sunday Masses to switch to have only one weekend Mass. 

Our patronal feast day is on Tuesday, June 21! Mass will be celebrated for all the deceased pastors who have served our parish.  Come celebrate with us at Mass, and here's a brain tickler for you to ponder until then:  how many images of St Thomas More do you think we have in our parish (Hall and offices included)?

He's waiting for you at Summit!
Saturday, June 18 at St Willibrord's - doors open at 6:30pm

The CCO Missionaries who have been accompanying our parish this month will be hosting Summit - an evening of praise and worship, talks, and Eucharistic Adoration.  Fr Robert and a number of his brother priests will also be on hand to hear Confessions.  All parishioners are invited to attend Summit - it's a great opportunity to commit to Jesus and offer yourself up as we move forward together in faith and fellowship.

**Summit is not a Mass and attending this event does not fulfil your Sunday obligation**

When I was homeless, you opened your door
Fr Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar, has a special message for those who wish to help Ukrainian refugees locally.  Find out more at

Magnificat is in!
Subscribers to Magnificat will be able to pick up their next instalment at the back of the church this weekend.  Your copy will be indicated by a sticky with your name on it.

Franciscus venit!
"For six days in July the most important thing happening in this country will be an old man confronting our history."  Find out why at

Ahead of the Papal visit, there will be a mass at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral on Tuesday June 21 at 7:30pm in honour and celebration of National Aboriginal Day.

Summer Programs for Children and Youth
- Hosted by the Parish of Holy Name of Jesus in Laval, Camp Savio will have two sessions this summer for ages 6-12:

- Kinkora’s DayLight Camp will be up and running for ages 6-15:

Heard it through The Grapevine

Did you know that the Office of English Pastoral Services has its own newsletter announcing activities and events throughout Montreal for the anglophone Catholic community?  Check out this week’s edition and subscribe at



Yours in Christ,
Father Robert Assaly+

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